Progress made in ASEAN Smart Cities Network

17 Jun 2019


BANGKOK, 7 June 2019 – ASEAN countries reported progress made in the ASEAN Smart Cities Network (ASCN) during a meeting on 6-7 June in Bangkok, Thailand.

National Representatives and Chief Smart City Officers from ASEAN Member States and the ASEAN Secretariat participated in the ASCN Roundtable Meeting and Conference on Smart and Sustainable Cities. It was chaired by Ajarin Pattanapanchai, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Digital Economy and Society, and National Representative of Thailand to the ASCN.

ASCN Members briefed the meeting on the status of their respective smart city projects, and discussed various issues pertaining to the ASCN processes. A tour of the Digital Economy Promotion Agency Headquarters was also conducted on 6 June afternoon, with briefing sessions on the various programs under Smart City Thailand—an initiative that is part of the Thai Government’s Thailand 4.0 blueprint.

Meanwhile, attended by  various partners, external stakeholders, and the general public, the Conference on Smart and Sustainable Cities on 7 June included panel discussions on Sustainable Development Goals and international cooperation in smart city development, as well as talks on smart city solutions and best practices.

June 17th, 2019|ASEAN Secretariat News

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