ASEAN signs Practical Arrangements with IAEA

17 Sep 2019


VIENNA, 17 September 2019 – ASEAN and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) signed Practical Arrangements in Vienna yesterday to promote cooperation in nuclear science and technology, applications, nuclear safety, security and safeguards.

Secretary-General of ASEAN Dato Lim Jock Hoi and Acting Director of the IAEA Cornel Feruță signed the Practical Arrangements at the sidelines of the 63rd IAEA Annual Regular Session of General Conference at the IAEA Headquarters in Vienna. The signing was also attended by ASEAN Ambassadors in Vienna, members of the ASEAN Network of Regulatory Bodies on Atomic Energy and IAEA officials.

According to Secretary-General Dato Lim, “the signing of this framework for cooperation represents a significant milestone in the cooperation between the ASEAN and IAEA and provides the foundation for our organizations to expand the work on already existing as well as new projects in Southeast Asia.” The Practical Arrangements is expected to serve as the overall framework for future collaboration between the two organisations.

The IAEA has been an important partner to ASEAN given its advanced expertise and vast resources in the area of non-proliferation, nuclear safety, security and safeguards, and peaceful uses of nuclear energy through its work with various ASEAN Sectoral Bodies over the years.

Prior to the signing ceremony, Secretary-General Dato Lim met with Acting Director General Feruță where they discussed how ASEAN and the IAEA could leverage on the Practical Arrangements to advance their cooperation. ASEAN would continue to welcome and seek the IAEA’s assistance for regional activities to build its capacities and capabilities in policy, technology, and regulatory aspects of peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

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