Diplomats Briefed on Outcomes of the 51st AEM

14 Sep 2019


ASEAN Secretariat, 13 September 2019 – More than 70 diplomatic representatives, including Permanent Representatives and Ambassadors to ASEAN, attended the briefing conducted by Dato Lim Jock Hoi, ASEAN Secretary-General, following the conclusion of the 51st ASEAN Economic Ministers (AEM) Meeting and Related Meetings held in Bangkok on 6 – 10 September 2019.

In his briefing, Dato Lim Jock Hoi shared the progress of the 13 priority economic deliverables for Thailand’s ASEAN Chairmanship, under the theme of ‘Advancing Partnership for Sustainability’, the on-going work on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), the regional economic outlook and relevant global developments, updates on the RCEP negotiations, updates on the ASEAN’s plus 1 FTAs and cooperation with Dialogue Partners, and updates on the AEM’s engagement with the private sector.

Dato Lim Jock Hoi highlighted that ASEAN is one of the few bright spots in the global economy amidst rising uncertainties, and the region is determined to further progress on its economic integration agenda, including to timely conclude the RCEP negotiations and by preparing for the 4IR.

The Questions and Answers session that was held after the briefing focused on ASEAN’s ongoing work in promoting intra-ASEAN trade and investment linkages, the prospect of concluding the RCEP negotiations as targeted, the next steps on ASEAN’s work on the 4IR, and progress in the ASEAN Smart Cities Network.


The slides presentation of Dato Lim Jock Hoi can be downloaded here


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