7th ASEAN-UN Workshop- 5th Regional Dialogue on Political-Security Cooperation (AURED V)

06 Dec 2019


HA NOI, 6 December 2019 – Ahead of Viet Nam’s accession as the Chair of ASEAN in 2020, senior officials from ASEAN governments and the United Nations (UN), experts from various ASEAN institutions, and other external partners came together in Hanoi on 3-4 December to discuss cooperation in support of the work of the ASEAN-Institute for Peace and Reconciliation.

The 7th ASEAN-UN Workshop – 5th Regional Dialogue on Political-Security Cooperation (AURED V) was jointly organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Viet Nam and the United Nations Departments of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and Peace Operations.

Opened by Viet Nam’s Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Nguyen Quoc Dzung, ASEAN Secretary-General Dato Lim Jock Hoi and UN Assistant Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and Peace Operations Khaled Khiari,  the two-day dialogue’s theme ‘Focused Collaboration in Support of the ASEAN-Institute for Peace and Reconciliation’ highlighted issues such as conflict management and conflict resolution.

“The ASEAN success story lies in its ability to help maintain regional peace and stability over the past decades. It has also actively reached out to contribute to global efforts for peace and security, including through participation in UN peace keeping operations,” stated Deputy Minister Dzung.

He further added that with two ASEAN Member States, Indonesia and Viet Nam, sitting in the United Nations Security Council in 2020, ASEAN can do more to synergise ASEAN’s regional efforts with the global cause led by the UN to ensure that international peace and security are secured and sustained amid fast-changing developments.

“As the ASEAN Chair and non-permanent member of the UNSC in 2020, Viet Nam is committed to doing its utmost in this regard,” concluded Dzung.

Noting that strengthening cooperation with regional organisations is a priority for the UN, Assistant Secretary-General Khiari mentioned, “as ASEAN has become increasingly engaged in advancing global and regional approaches to peace and security, the ASEAN-Institute for Peace and Reconciliation has emerged as its first formalised platform for conflict prevention, including research in experiences of conflict resolution in the region.”

Khiari also mentioned the newly-established ASEAN Women’s Peace Registry as the UN’s commitment to further collaborate with the ASEAN-IPR.

In his remarks, Dato Lim Jock Hoi highlighted “the importance of collaboration in prevention of conflict through international diplomacy, research, knowledge sharing and networking which should be further advocated in forums such as this.” “As Southeast Asia lies in the centre of one of the most dynamic regions in the world, ASEAN will continue to promote peace and stability as well as economic prosperity in the region and continue to reinforce the ASEAN-centered regional architecture,” Dato Lim concluded.

AURED V was the latest in an annual series of ASEAN-UN regional workshops on political-security cooperation since the ASEAN-UN Comprehensive Partnership was adopted by the Leaders of ASEAN and the United Nations Secretary-General in November 2011 in Indonesia.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
Mr. Tien, ASEAN Department Official
Email: vinhtienk24@gmail.com
Tel: +84 982 337 376

United Nations
Mr. Trinh Anh Tuan
Senior Programme Communications and Advocacy Officer.
Email: trinh.anh.tuan@one.un.org
Tel: +84 24 3850 0193

ASEAN Secretariat
Mustika L. Hapsoro
Media Officer
Tel: +62 812 18507562

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