ASEAN, Norway reaffirm commitment to deepen cooperation

31 May 2021

ASEAN Norway reaffirm commitment to deepen cooperation

JAKARTA, 31 MAY 2021 – The 6th Meeting of the ASEAN-Norway Joint Sectoral Cooperation Committee, held via videoconference, reaffirmed both sides’ commitment to deepen cooperation under ASEAN-Norway sectoral dialogue partnership.

ASEAN officials, represented by the Committee of Permanent Representatives in Jakarta, and Norwegian officials led by State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jens Frølich Holte, explored opportunities to further strengthen the cooperation in a number of areas. The areas included climate and environment; combating marine plastic debris; clean energy; smart cities; public health; sustainable development; rights of person with disabilities; rights of children to education; and technical and vocational education and training (TVET).

The meeting encouraged greater business-to-business contacts and development of projects and programmes related to narrowing the development gaps in the ASEAN region. In addition, both sides expressed interest in enhancing cooperation to promote  people-to-people contacts, especially among the youth, as well as collaboration to address cybersecurity and support for the Network of ASEAN Chemical, Biological Radiological Threats.

Both sides also deliberated on possible joint activities to address and mitigate the COVID-19 socio-economic impact, as well as support for the implementation of the ASEAN Post-Pandemic Recovery Framework, including through contribution to the COVID-19 ASEAN Response Fund. ASEAN encouraged Norway to support capacity building projects and programmes on medical waste management in the region.

The meeting took note that following the expiration of the Priority Plan for the ASEAN-Norway Sectoral Dialogue Partnership in March 2021, all action lines listed for implementation of the Priority Plan have been or are being addressed. These include projects and activities on human rights; peace, reconciliation, and security; energy; environment; youth; education; women empowerment; micro, small and medium enterprises; connectivity; and Initiative for ASEAN Integration.

The implementation of the Priority Plan successor document, namely ASEAN-Norway Sectoral Dialogue Partnership: Practical Cooperation Areas (PCA) 2021-2025, aimed at guiding and further enhancing ASEAN-Norway cooperation in the next five years, was also welcomed at the meeting.

Source: ASEAN Secretariat

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