Joint Ministerial Statement of The 36th ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting

29 Oct 2018

Joint Ministerial Statement of The 36th ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting

1.     The 36th ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM) was held on 29 October 2018 in Singapore. H.E. Mr. Chan Chun Sing, Minister for Trade and Industry of Singapore, officiated and chaired the Meeting. H.E. Dr. Siri Jirapongphan, Minister for Energy of Thailand was the Vice Chair. The Heads of the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) were invited to participate in the 36th AMEM for the first time.

2.     In his opening address, Minister Chan Chun Sing highlighted the need for continued strong cooperation within ASEAN, to ensure that ASEAN is able to live up to its economic potential and promise to its people and that ASEAN’s growing energy needs are met in a sustainable way. Advances in technology are also reshaping the global energy landscape, and ASEAN would need to transform its energy sectors to address the challenges and seize opportunities that arise due to such changes. Minister Chan noted the ASEAN Energy Track’s key achievements to date, which included good progress made on implementing the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC). To implement the remaining measures, Minister Chan said that ASEAN Member States would need to continue to work closely together, and with our dialogue partners and international organisations, to build an affordable, sustainable and reliable energy future for ASEAN.

Download the full statement here.

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