Chairman's Statement of the 21st ASEAN-Japan Summit Singapore, 14 November 2018

14 Nov 2018

Chairman's Statement of the 21st ASEAN-Japan Summit Singapore, 14 November 2018

1.       The 21st ASEAN-Japan Summit to commemorate the 45th Anniversary of ASEAN-Japan Friendship and Cooperation was held in Singapore on 14 November 2018. The Meeting was chaired by H.E. Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore, and attended by all Heads of State/Government of ASEAN Member States and H.E. Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan. The Secretary-General of ASEAN was also in attendance.

2.       We welcomed the deepening of ASEAN-Japan friendship and cooperation over the past 45 years, and expressed appreciation for the meaningful activities undertaken by both sides to commemorate this auspicious occasion. We adopted the Joint Statement of the 21st ASEAN-Japan Summit to Commemorate the 45th Anniversary of ASEAN-Japan Friendship and Cooperation, which reaffirms our commitment to further strengthen our relationship. We noted with satisfaction the substantive progress in the implementation of the Revised Implementation Plan of the Vision Statement on ASEAN-Japan Friendship and Cooperation: Shared Vision, Shared Identity, Shared Future, and committed ourselves to continuing with its effective implementation to deepen the wide-ranging cooperation between both sides. ASEAN Leaders expressed appreciation for Japan’s generous contributions over the years towards ASEAN’s development, including through the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF). In this connection, we looked forward to the early signing of the Agreement on Technical Cooperation between ASEAN and Japan, which will provide an additional platform to expand cooperation.

3.       We reaffirmed our close collaboration to strengthen dialogue and cooperation, to promote mutual trust and understanding, and to uphold the rule of law. We reaffirmed our shared commitment to maintaining and promoting peace, security and stability in the region, as well as to the peaceful resolution of disputes, including full respect for legal and diplomatic processes, without resorting to the threat or use of force, in accordance with the universally recognised principles of international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). ASEAN Leaders expressed appreciation for Japan’s continued support of ASEAN unity, cohesiveness and Centrality in the evolving regional architecture that is open, transparent, inclusive and rules-based. We shared the view to promote a rules-based Indo-Pacific region that is free and open, embraces key principles such as ASEAN’s unity and Centrality, inclusiveness, transparency and complements ASEAN’s community building process. As Strategic Partners, ASEAN and Japan will continue to further deepen cooperation through various ASEAN-led mechanisms such as the ASEAN Plus Three (APT), East Asia Summit (EAS), ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) and ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting-Plus (ADMM-Plus).

4.       We recognised that practical defence cooperation between ASEAN and Japan has been strengthened since the announcement of the “Vientiane Vision: Japan’s Defense Cooperation Initiative with ASEAN”, and welcomed the advancement of bilateral and ASEAN-Japan defence cooperation programs, such as the “Japan-ASEAN Ship-Rider Cooperation Program” and the “Japan-ASEAN Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief (HA/DR) Invitation Program,” as well as the announced launch of the “Professional Airmanship Program”.

5.       We resolved to continue enhancing cooperation in addressing non-traditional security issues and transnational crime, including terrorism, maritime security, illicit drug trafficking and cybersecurity. We welcomed the completion of a new Work Programme for Cooperation to Combat Terrorism and Transnational Crime (2018-2022) and looked forward to the implementation of the Work Programme. We looked forward to the convening of the 11th ASEAN-Japan Counter-Terrorism Dialogue and the 3rd ASEAN-Japan Cybercrime Dialogue to be held in Brunei Darussalam. We commended the Industrial Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (ICSCoE) Japan for conducting the US-Japan Cybersecurity Joint Training on industrial control systems for ASEAN Member States and other partners in Tokyo from 10 to 14 September 2018. We also welcomed the progress made in the ARF Inter-Sessional Meeting on Security of and in the Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ARF ISM on ICT Security) held in April 2018, and the establishment of the ASEAN-Japan Cybersecurity Capacity Building Centre in Thailand in September 2018. We further noted the importance of enhancing cooperation among maritime law enforcement agencies, including capacity-building, joint exercises and information sharing.

6.       We welcomed the significant economic cooperation between ASEAN and Japan, with Japan ranked ASEAN’s fourth largest trading partner and ASEAN’s second largest source of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in 2017. Total merchandise trade reached USD 219 billion, while FDI inflows from Japan to ASEAN amounted to USD 13.2 billion. We agreed to enhance trade and investment relations, including through the ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership (AJCEP) Agreement. We also looked forward to the signing of the Protocol to Amend the AJCEP Agreement to incorporate the Chapters on Trade in Services, Movement of Natural Persons and Investment at the earliest. We welcomed the full implementation of the AJCEP Agreement by all Parties.

7.       We commended the progress made in the implementation of the ASEAN-Japan 10-year Strategic Economic Cooperation Roadmap in various sectors, including activities promoting human resource development, trade facilitation, micro, small and medium enterprise (MSME) development, infrastructure, innovation and transfer of technology. We welcomed the ASEAN-Japan Fourth Industrial Revolution Initiative, which would enable ASEAN to develop its capabilities to benefit from the digital revolution. We encouraged the Economic Ministers to expedite their efforts towards the establishment of an ASEAN-Japan cooperation mechanism to support the implementation of the ASEAN Agreement on Electronic Commerce. We also commended the work of the ASEAN-Japan Innovation Network (AJIN), a private-sector led initiative that promotes innovation across sectors and industries, including digital business platforms for MSMEs and emerging industries. We acknowledged the support of the AEM-METI Economic and Industrial Cooperation Committee (AMEICC) in developing industries and strengthening connectivity within the region, notably through the publication of Future of ASEAN – 50 Success Stories of Digitalisation of ASEAN MSMEs. We commended the ASEAN-Japan Centre for its significant role in promoting trade, investment, and tourism as well as people-to-people exchanges and ASEAN awareness. In this regard, we welcomed the Centre’s recent structural reforms to address the new challenges faced by ASEAN and Japan, and encouraged the Centre to consider necessary reform. We also expressed appreciation for the support of the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) in promoting our close economic partnership, and Japan's contribution to the Institute.

8.       We welcomed the substantial progress made in the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) in 2018. We noted with satisfaction that the RCEP negotiations have advanced to the final stage, and we expressed our determination to conclude a modern, comprehensive, high quality, and mutually beneficial RCEP in 2019. We also expressed our commitment to uphold a global trade environment that is open, mutually beneficial, rules-based and inclusive through the RCEP. We noted the importance of World Trade Organization reform, which may include improving the functions of rule-making, monitoring and dispute settlement. We also noted the importance of ensuring the enforcement of existing international rules.

9.       ASEAN Leaders appreciated Japan’s continued support for the implementation of the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC) 2025, the Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) Work Plan III, as well as programmes to foster human resource development in order to narrow the development gap within ASEAN. In this regard, the Meeting appreciated the completion of Japan’s “Industrial Human Resource Development Cooperation Initiative” which supported human resource development for approximately 80,000 recipients, twice as many as the original target. ASEAN Leaders welcomed Japan’s Partnership for Quality Infrastructure and Expanded Partnership for Quality Infrastructure programmes to promote quality infrastructure in accordance with international standards and to enhance connectivity in the region. We looked forward to the successful conclusion of a more liberal and mutually beneficial ASEAN-Japan Air Services Agreement with a view to enhance the air transport relationship between Japan and each ASEAN Member State. We welcomed the sound progress of various cooperation projects and activities under the ASEAN-Japan Transport Partnership (AJTP) towards improved regional connectivity.

10.     We agreed to strengthen cooperation in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. We welcomed the progress in the implementation of the ASEAN-Japan Environmental Cooperation Initiative which aims to promote cooperation in environmental protection, as well as areas such as climate change, including through the new ASEAN-Japan Climate Change Action Agenda, waste management, biodiversity conservation, chemical pollution management, wastewater management, and quality environmental infrastructure development for sustainable cities. ASEAN Leaders expressed appreciation for Japan’s continued support for an environmentally-sustainable ASEAN through the ASEAN-Japan Dialogue on Environmental Cooperation (AJDEC), and also for Japan’s commitment to strengthen its assistance to ASEAN in combating marine plastic debris. ASEAN Leaders appreciated the support and involvement of Japan in the implementation of the ASEAN-Japan Energy Efficiency Partnership, which aims to enhance energy management systems, and to build capacity in energy efficiency and conservation development and implementation in ASEAN Member States.

11.     We reaffirmed our commitment to strengthening cooperation in the area of science and technology and implementation of collaborative research, and welcomed the Japan-ASEAN Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development Goals (STI for SDGs) Bridging Initiative starting this year with the first multi-stakeholder forum to be held in Thailand in 2019. We also reaffirmed the importance of Intellectual Property (IP) as a vehicle for leveraging innovation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and encouraged further cooperation through the ASEAN-Japan Heads of IP Offices Meeting, including the development of patent examination manuals of ASEAN IP offices, especially in the field of emerging technologies. ASEAN Leaders welcomed Japan’s support for the ASEAN Smart Cities Network (ASCN), including the proposal to convene an ASCN High-Level Meeting in Tokyo in 2019 in collaboration with Singapore and other ASEAN Member States, and Japan’s intention to share its concept of “Society 5.0” with ASEAN Member States.

12.     We reaffirmed our commitment to enhance collaboration in healthcare, disaster health management, including through the Project on Strengthening ASEAN Regional Capacity on Disaster Health Management, social welfare, and the empowerment of women and older persons. We noted with satisfaction the ongoing work to implement the ASEAN-Japan Health Initiative, and welcomed Japan's efforts to expand the target areas under the Asia Health and Wellbeing Initiative (AHWIN) from elderly care-oriented matters to all matters of medical care, elderly care, prevention and society development. We reaffirmed the importance of strengthening regional cooperation in the area of disaster management and joint emergency response. In this regard, ASEAN Leaders appreciated Japan’s continued support towards the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on disaster management (AHA Centre), including the Disaster Emergency Logistics System for ASEAN (DELSA) Project, and the AHA Centre Executive (ACE) Programme for disaster management officials in ASEAN.

13.     ASEAN Leaders expressed appreciation for Japan’s continued initiatives to increase people-to-people contacts, including through sports and cultural exchanges, and interactions among the youth and academics. These include the Japan East-Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths (JENESYS), “ASIA KAKEHASHI Project”, “WA-Project”, “Sport for Tomorrow”, the Ship for Southeast Asian and Japanese Youth Program (SSEAYP), "Inter-University Exchange Program", “Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Programme in Science (Sakura Science Plan)”, MEXT Scholarship, and the exchanges through the ASEAN Council of Japan Alumni (ASCOJA). Both sides also welcomed the adoption of the ASEAN-Japan Work Plan on Cooperation in Culture and the Arts 2019-2021, the launch of the ASEAN Cultural Heritage Digital Archive project to promote online access to ASEAN’s cultural heritage, and the convening of the ASEAN Plus Japan Special Meeting on Women and Sports to promote participation of women in sports. We also noted the progress of ongoing projects in the information sector, namely the ASEAN-Japan Forum on Media and Information Literacy, ASEAN-Japan Next Generation Broadcasting Systems, and “Poll on ASEAN Awareness”. We noted Japan’s initiative to launch an “ASEAN-Japan Day” to promote further understanding.

14.     We reiterated our commitment to the full implementation of all relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions by all UN member states. In this context, we are committed to the international efforts to bring about complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearisation. We called on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) to fulfil its stated commitment to complete denuclearisation and its pledge to refrain from further nuclear and missile tests. Some Leaders emphasised the importance of addressing issues of humanitarian concerns of the international community, including the resolution of the abductions issue.

15.     We welcomed the Inter-Korean Summits held on 27 April 2018, 26 May 2018 and from 18 to 20 September 2018, as well as the Singapore Summit between the United States (US) and the DPRK on 12 June 2018. We also welcomed the Panmunjom Declaration and the Pyongyang Joint Declaration signed between President Moon Jae-in of the Republic of Korea and Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK Kim Jong Un, as well as the Joint Statement signed between US President Donald J Trump and Chairman Kim. We urged all concerned parties to continue working towards the realisation of lasting peace and stability on a denuclearised Korean Peninsula, including through the full and expeditious implementation of the Panmunjom Declaration, the Pyongyang Joint Declaration and the Joint Statement by the US and DPRK leaders.

16.     We discussed the importance of promoting a rules-based order in the region, including through upholding international law such as the 1982 UNCLOS. We reaffirmed the importance of maintaining and promoting peace, security, stability, safety and freedom of navigation in and overflight above the South China Sea. We discussed the matters relating to the South China Sea and took note of some concerns on the land reclamations and activities in the area, which have eroded trust and confidence, increased tensions and may undermine peace, security and stability in the region. We underscored the importance of the full and effective implementation of the 2002 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) in its entirety and noted negotiations towards the early conclusion of an effective Code of Conduct in the South China Sea (COC) consistent with international law, including the 1982 UNCLOS. We reaffirmed the need to enhance mutual trust and confidence, exercise self-restraint in the conduct of activities and avoid actions that may further complicate the situation, and pursue peaceful resolution of disputes in accordance with international law, including the 1982 UNCLOS. We also emphasised the importance of non-militarisation and self-restraint in the conduct of all activities by claimants and all other states.

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