Joint Statement of the 3rd ASEAN-Russian Federation Summit on Strategic Partnership

14 Nov 2018

Joint Statement of the 3rd ASEAN-Russian Federation Summit on Strategic Partnership

here to download the Joint Statement of the 3rd ASEAN-Russian Federation Summit on Strategic Partnership

We, the Heads of State/Government of the Member States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the Russian Federation, gathered in Singapore, on 14 November 2018 for the Third ASEAN-Russia Summit;

Recalling our commitment under the Sochi Declaration of the ASEAN-Russian Federation Commemorative Summit to Mark the 20th Anniversary of ASEAN-Russian Federation Dialogue Partnership “Moving Towards a Strategic Partnership for Mutual Benefit” and the Comprehensive Plan of Action (CPA) to Promote Cooperation between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the Russian Federation (2016-2020) adopted on 20 May 2016 in Sochi, Russia;

Recognising the achievements made over the past 22 years of ASEAN-Russian Federation dialogue partnership and cooperation across a wide range of areas, including political, security, trade and economic cooperation and people-to-people exchange and the commitment to advance our partnership towards greater mutual benefit and prosperity;

Promoting closer ASEAN – Russia cooperation to strengthen and consolidate the East Asia Summit (EAS) as a Leaders-led forum for strategic dialogue on a comprehensive, open, equal and inclusive security architecture in the Asia-Pacific region based on universally recognized rules and principles of international law, mutual trust and respect for each other’s interests, principles of settlement of disputes by peaceful means and, refraining from threat or use of force in their relations in order to encourage the development of positive relationships and cooperation in the region;

Recalling that national security cannot be ensured at the expense of others and emphasising the need to fully respect and take into account the legitimate interests and concerns, and the domestic laws and regulations of all states;

Reaffirming our commitment to upholding multilateralism, the central role of the United Nations, the purposes and principles enshrined in the UN Charter and respect for international law;

Reaffirming the importance of maintaining ASEAN Centrality in the regional architecture which should be built upon ASEAN-led mechanisms;

Noting also that the evolving regional security architecture should be open, transparent, inclusive, and based on universally recognized rules and principles of international law, including the principle of equality;

Recognising the critical role a strong, united, resilient, innovative ASEAN and the Russian Federation can play in fostering peace, stability and inclusive growth in the Asia-Pacific, as well as the contributions of ASEAN over the past 51 years towards regional peace and prosperity;

Reaffirming our commitment to establish stronger, deeper, and mutually beneficial relations and continue to build a peaceful, stable, prosperous and integrated region;

We hereby agree on the following:

Overall ASEAN-Russian Federation Relations

1. Elevate ASEAN-Russian Federation Dialogue Relations to a Strategic Partnership;

2. Advance ASEAN-Russian Federation strategic partnership by forging closer cooperation for a mutually beneficial future relations based on the principles of equality and shared responsibility to promote peace, stability, prosperity, sustainable development and social progress in the Asia-Pacific region;

3. Continue to adhere to the fundamental principles, shared values and norms that have guided ASEAN-Russia Dialogue Relations, including those enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, and the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC), and the East Asia Summit (EAS) Declaration on the Principles for Mutually Beneficial Relations (Bali Principles) as well as universally recognised principles of international law;

4. Promote peace, security, stability and prosperity in the region, including through the further deepening of relations, the promotion of mutual trust and confidence, peaceful resolution of disputes, the exercise of self-restraint, without resorting to the threat or use of force in accordance with universally recognised principles of international law, and the maintenance of friendly dialogue and consultations including high-level exchanges;

5. Enhance economic cooperation amidst growing protectionism, and reaffirm that international trade and investment are important drivers for sustainable economic growth and development, the reduction of social inequality, and securing a better future for our people;

6. Continue to support deeper regional integration, including through the implementation of ASEAN 2025: Forging Ahead Together, and enhance the complementarities between ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;

7. Encourage regular engagement between the Secretariats of ASEAN and Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), including at the highest level ;

8. Strengthen physical and institutional connectivity to bring markets closer together in line with the strategic objectives contained in the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC) 2025;

9. Reiterate our commitment to support ASEAN’s efforts to narrow the development gap within and between ASEAN Member States, including through the implementation of the IAI Work Plan III and welcome the Russian Federation’s deeper integration into the regional economy, noting the Russian Federation’s implementation of its State Programme on Socioeconomic Development of the Russian Far East and the Baikal Region;

10.Welcome the establishment of the Mission of the Russian Federation to ASEAN in Jakarta and the appointment of a dedicated Ambassador of the Russian Federation to ASEAN in 2017;

Political and Security Cooperation

11. Enhance high-level visits and exchanges, active participation in various ASEAN led frameworks, especially the East Asia Summit (EAS), ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) and ASEAN Defence Ministers' Meeting-Plus (ADMM-Plus); Continue dialogue between ASEAN and the Russian Federation Defence Ministers including through the ADMM-Plus (ASEAN);

12.Work closely to strengthen the EAS, with ASEAN as the driving force, as a Leaders-led forum for dialogue and cooperation on broad strategic, political and economic issues of common interest and concern with the aim of promoting peace, stability and economic prosperity;

13.Welcome discussion among EAS Ambassadors in Jakarta on the implementation of Leaders’ decisions as well as on regional development cooperation initiatives and security policies and initiatives, including the evolving regional architecture with ASEAN as a driving force;

14. Enhance multilateral cooperation to promote good governance, human rights, democracy and rule of law, peace and reconciliation in the region;

15. Strengthen cooperation in addressing traditional and non-traditional security challenges such as international terrorism, transnational crime, threats in the use of information and communication technologies as well as countering the illegal production and trafficking of drugs, under global and regional frameworks, primarily through the United Nations;

16. Promote the implementation of the Statement of ASEAN and the Russian Federation on Cooperation in the Field of Security of and in the Use of Information and Communication Technologies adopted by the Leaders on 14 November 2018;

17. Strengthen cooperation on combating terrorism in accordance with the UN Charter, relevant UN Security Council Resolutions and the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. Intensify efforts to implement the Statement of ASEAN and Russia Ministers of Foreign Affairs on Joint Efforts to Counter International Terrorism and the EAS Leaders' Statement on Countering Ideological Challenges of Terrorism and Terrorist Narratives and Propaganda. ASEAN Leaders welcomed the expansion of capacity building training courses organized by the Russian Federation for the law enforcement officers of the ASEAN Member States;

18. Ensure maritime security and safety, freedom of navigation and overflight and unimpeded commerce. Promote self-restraint, non-use of force or the threat to use force and the resolution of dispute through peaceful means in accordance with universally recognised principles of international law, including as stated in the United Nations Charter, the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the relevant standards and recommended practices of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and the International Maritime Organisation (IMO);

19. Support the full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) and early conclusion of an effective Code of Conduct in the South China Sea (COC) on the basis of consensus; Economic Cooperation

20. Enhance economic cooperation in the field of trade and investment, energy, E-Commerce, industry, minerals, transport, food, agriculture and forestry, ICTs, tourism, connectivity, financial services, science and technology and innovation;

21. Endeavour to intensify efforts towards substantially increasing trade and investment between ASEAN Member States and Russia, and promote economic cooperation through the effective implementation of the ASEAN-Russia Trade and Investment Cooperation Roadmap, regular consultations based on existing mechanisms aimed at promoting trade and investment, including through activities of ASEAN business associations, such as the ASEAN Business Advisory Council and the Russia-ASEAN Business Council and regular business missions, and facilitating the exchange of information on trade and investment regimes and commercial opportunities; encourage direct ties among business communities including within the framework of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok;

22. Promote partnerships between relevant stakeholders, including the government and the private sector, through Public-Private Partnership (PPP), where appropriate, and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) development, as well as the strengthening of private sector engagement between ASEAN and Russia;

23. Support strengthening of partnership between multilateral organisations in the Asia-Pacific region, and in this regard explore the possibility of mutually beneficial cooperation between ASEAN and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and other organisations as mutually agreed;

24.Welcome the signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between ASEAN and Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) on Economic Cooperation to create opportunities for dialogues between Member States of ASEAN and the EAEU, and encourage further consultations in exploring practical cooperation between ASEAN and EAEU;

25. Promote deeper collaboration in energy efficiency, energy accessibility, affordability and sustainability, as well as the implementation of the ASEAN-Russia Energy Cooperation Work Plan 2016-2020;

26. Enhance agriculture cooperation in order to develop concrete activities aimed at promoting sustainable agriculture and resource management, expanding agro-product markets, improving water resources management and promoting regional food security, and encourage full implementation of the ASEAN-Russia Agriculture and Food Security Cooperation Work Programme 2016-2020;

27. Enhance cooperation in science, technology and innovation, including through the implementation of the ASEAN-Russia Federation Plan of Action on Science, Technology and Innovation 2016-2025 and the ASEAN Declaration on Innovation for innovation-driven growth;

28. Explore cooperation through the transfer of technologies, joint technological research and development as well as capacity building in space technology and its applications;

29. Promote transport cooperation in areas such as maritime, road and rail transport infrastructure networks and civil aviation, including through capacity building and exchange of best practices;

30. Strengthen cooperation in tourism, including through the regular convening of the ASEAN-Russian Federation Tourism Consultation , the continuation of capacity building programmes, the promotion of tourism products in ASEAN and Russian markets and the development of common principles on tourist safety and improve the quality of tourism services;

Social and Cultural Cooperation

31. Promote stronger people-to-people ties including through youth exchanges with a view to fostering connectivity and strengthening social and cultural cooperation between ASEAN and Russia, as well as enhancing mutual understanding of each other’s traditions, history, heritage and cultural diversity;

32. Strengthen cooperation in education, including through the newly established ASEAN-Russia Working Group on Education and by expanding professional training programmes, Russian scholarship programmes, academic exchanges, Russian language courses as well as to promote vocational training programmes at basic and tertiary levels;

33. Tap on the Network of ASEAN-Russia Think Tanks (NARTT), launched in 2018, and the ASEAN Centre in Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) University to facilitate promotional activities in developing people-to-people ties, academic, youth and cultural exchanges;

34. Promote cooperation in health, including in combating communicable diseases and emerging infectious diseases, pandemic preparedness and response; ASEAN Leaders noted the proposal of the Russian Federation to provide personnel training for ASEAN Member States in this area, including through the International Research Center for the Study of Biosafety and Human Well-Being in the Asia-Pacific Region in Vladivostok;

35. Promote cooperation in the areas of environment, including in biodiversity conservation, coastal marine environmental protection, climate change adaptation and mitigation;

36. Look forward to the finalisation of the MOU between ASEAN and the Russian Federation on Cooperation in the Field of Disaster Management, through which ASEAN and Russia could further concretise cooperation in preventing, mitigating, responding and managing disasters;

37. Explore cooperation to encourage high quality of life; well-being and equitable access to opportunities for all; and to protect and promote the rights of women, children, youths, elderly persons, persons with disabilities, and migrant workers.
Adopted in Singapore, on the 14th Day of November in the Year Two Thousand and Eighteen.

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