AWC Bazaar

06 Nov 2018

The 2018 ASEAN Women’s Circle of Jakarta (AWC) Bazaar was held on 1-2 November at the ASEAN Secretariat in Jakarta, which raised more than US$ 10,000 to be donated to beneficiaries such as Indonesia Ekselensia, Tarbiyah Bunaiya and for the AWC’s disaster relief fund.  Funds were raised from proceeds from sales from stalls  set up by ASEAN Member States and Dialogue Partners.  The bazaar was participated by ASEAN Member States, Dialogue Partners and more than 70 vendors from all over Indonesia and the ASEAN Region.  PR Mission participated in the event with PR Tan Hung Seng’s attendance and also by setting up a Singapore booth. Pictured above, DSG CCA Dr AKP Mochtan and AWC President Sari Percaya cutting the ribbon at the Opening Ceremony. Read more about it here.

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