2/2019 ASEAN Connectivity Coordinating Committee Meeting in Palembang on Tuesday 2 July 2019

02 Jul 2019

PR Kok Li Peng attended the 2/2019 ASEAN Connectivity Coordinating Committee (ACCC) Meeting in Palembang on Tuesday, 2 July 2019, organised by the Indonesian Mission to ASEAN and chaired by the Thai Permanent Representative to ASEAN Phasporn Sangasubana. The meeting considered: (a) the progress of implementation of the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC) 2025; (b) efforts to improve the monitoring, review and evaluation of MPAC 2025; (c) efforts to engage ASEAN Dialogue Partners and other external partners; and (d) the development of communication products to further raise awareness of the MPAC 2025. The next ACC Meeting will be held in Bangkok, Thailand in August 2019.

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