ASEAN-EU Partnership: The Untold Story, 25 November 2020

25 Nov 2020

The online book launch and panel discussion on “ASEAN-EU Partnership: The Untold Story” took place on Wednesday, 25 November 2020.  The book was edited by Ambassador-at-large Professor Tommy Koh and Dr Yeo Lay Hwee, both of whom participated in the panel discussion alongside EU Ambassador to ASEAN Igor Driesmans and Vice-Chair of EuroCham Indonesia and Executive Board Member of EU-ASEAN Business Council Mr Wichard Von Harrach. ASEAN Secretary-General Dato Lim Jock Hoi delivered the welcome remarks and officiated a virtual launch of the book while Permanent Representative Kok Li Peng delivered the closing remarks.  The lively panel discussion ranged over questions on the significance of the ASEAN-EU partnership, as well as ways to further strengthen the relationship and increase its visibility.  The online book launch and panel discussion can be viewed at this link:

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