28th ASEAN-EU JCC Meeting

26 Mar 2021

Permanent Representative Kok Li Peng co-chaired the 28th ASEAN-EU Joint Cooperation Committee Meeting on 26 March 2021 with Mr. David Daly, Head of the South-East Asia Division of the European External Action Service, and Mr. Mario Ronconi, Head of Unit for South and South-East Asia, European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships.


Both sides noted with satisfaction the progress of implementation of the ASEAN-EU Plan of Action (2018-2022) and exchanged views on ways to strengthen the ASEAN-EU Strategic Partnership, including in areas such as cybersecurity and connectivity.


The Joint Press Statement of the meeting is available at: https://asean.org/storage/28th-ASEAN-EU-JCC-Meeting-Joint-Press-Statement.pdf.

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