Celebrate Singapore’s 56th National Day with the Singapore Symphony Orchestra (SSO) and Singapore National Youth Orchestra (SNYO)

06 Aug 2021



Throughout the month of August, enjoy the following performances by the SSO and SNYO in celebration of Singapore’s 56th National Day. 


1 Aug 2021

“Where I Belong” by the Singapore Symphony Orchestra & Youth Choir



4 Aug 2021

SSO and Melbourne Symphony Orchestra (MSO) will join a panel hosted by AsiaSociety’s Director of Programs, James Scullin



6 Aug 2021

Social media premiere of online SSO-MSO concert “Musical Friendship” supported by NAC and MCCY

*Please look out for this performance via the SSO’s Facebook page.


6 Aug 2021, 8pm

The Singapore National Youth Orchestra celebrates Singapore’s 56th Birthday with this upbeat performance of Stand Up for Singapore arranged by their very own horn player, Andrew Lee





10 Aug 2021, 6pm

Archives Invites: Dr Bernard Tan – National Anthem as Memory, an online event discussing orchestrations of the national anthem



29 Aug 2021, 3pm

SSO National Day Concert 2021 (Online), our annual showcase of Singapore composers, compositions, and arrangements


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