Invitation to quote - Annual Maintenance Contract for Sewage Treatment Plant

13 Mar 2019


To: All Service Providers

Dear Sir/ Madam


1. The Singapore High Commission in New Delhi cordially invites interested service providers to quote for the above-mentioned contract for a period of two years from 1st May 2019 to 30th April 2021 & an optional year from 1st May 2021 to 30th April 2022.

2. The scope and nature of this procurement shall include the supply of all labour, tools, materials and transport for AMC of sewage treatment plant. Details are provided in separate annexes.

3. Relevant Service Providers are required to carry out and perform services in accordance to the Contract. Service providers shall be deemed to have read this letter and fully understood the contents of the attached annexes, in particular the Conditions of the Contract and Required Specifications, which constitute the integral components of this invitation, and shall comply with all the terms and conditions specified therein. Interested service providers are to collect the relevant document from the Singapore High Commission.

4. A mandatory site show around and briefing will be conducted on 18 March 2019 at 1500 hrs. Interested service providers should contact Facility Manager Mr Suresh Sharma at Tel: +91 9958793230.

5. All quotations should be submitted in sealed envelopes & addressed to the following address:

Singapore High Commission
E-6, Chandragupta Marg
New Delhi 110021, India
Attention: Mr Mejar Singh Gill
Counsellor (Admin & Consular)

6. All submissions as per Annexure B (‘Form of the Contractor’s Offer’) shall include the terms and conditions of Instructions to Service Providers, Quotation Conditions to Contract, Requirement Specifications and all other documents in connection therewith, as per the manner stipulated in the document ‘Instructions to Service Providers’, and must reach the abovementioned address no later than 25 March 2019 by 1700 hours. Submissions sent to any other email accounts or by fax other than the address as indicated above will be disqualified. Any enquiries regarding the specifications may be made to Mr Mejar Singh Gill, Counsellor (Admin & Consular) at Telephone No +91 11 4600 0800 Ext 236 or Mr Joey Chua at +91 11 4600 0800 Ext 235.

7. The acceptance and award of the quotation will be at the sole discretion of the Singapore High Commission in accordance to the Invitation to Quote. The Singapore High Commission does not bind itself to accept the lowest quotation, or the whole or part of any offer.

8. All costs or expenses relating to preparing the quotation will be borne by the service provider.

9. All information supplied to service providers by the Singapore High Commission, either in writing or orally, must be treated in confidence and not disclosed to any third party.

10. The Singapore High Commission reserves the right to disqualify any service provider if the quotation response is not submitted in a manner consistent with the provisions set out in this letter as well as the requirements listed above and the conditions in the Annexes attached.

11. The quotation bids will be evaluated based on the following criteria and weightage assigned:

S/No Criteria

Weightage Assigned (100%)

a. Price competitiveness 60%
b. Compliance with scope and specifications 20%
c. Relevant experiences 10%
d. Track record of Company 10%

12. The quotations should remain valid for acceptance for a minimum period of Ninety (90) days from the closing date of this invitation.

Counsellor (Admin & Consular)
for Singapore High Commissioner

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