17 Nov 2015

Mr President,


1.                  On behalf of my delegation, I thank Director-General Yukiya Amano for the IAEA’s comprehensive annual report.


2.                  Singapore has consistently supported the IAEA’s work of promoting the safe, secure and peaceful use of nuclear science and technologies. We are pleased to continue our co-sponsorship of the draft resolution on the Report of the IAEA. We regret that the resolution will not be adopted by consensus this year.


Mr President,


3.                  Singapore has consistently taken the view that nuclear safety is an issue of concern to all states, and not merely states with nuclear installations. This is because nuclear accidents may have catastrophic consequences that transcend national borders.  We would like to express our appreciation to the IAEA and the Secretariat for their work on the comprehensive Report on the Fukushima Daiichi Accident. It is a sobering reminder of the dangers of complacency and that countries operating Nuclear Power Plants bear responsibility to their people and the international community to ensure that their regulatory frameworks, plant design, operational safety processes and culture, and emergency preparedness and response, are robust at all times. The report provides a valuable repository of knowledge that can be drawn upon to ensure that such accidents do not happen again.


4.                  The Diplomatic Conference of the Convention of Nuclear Safety (CNS) convened in February 2015 adopted the Vienna Declaration on Nuclear Safety by consensus.  We urge all Contracting Parties to the CNS, especially countries with nuclear installations and those planning to embark on a civilian nuclear programme, to implement the safety objectives contained in the Declaration expeditiously and in good faith.  Singapore will fulfill our responsibilities and cooperate with the IAEA and Member States to contribute towards the strengthening of international and regional standards of nuclear safety. 


Mr President,


5.                  The IAEA plays a central role in promoting the safe, secure and peaceful use of nuclear energy, which is critical in furthering the objectives of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). While Singapore has consistently expressed support for the right of all sovereign states to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, we also believe that this right must be exercised in strict accordance with the provisions of the NPT.  We urge, in particular, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to refrain from all provocative actions, return to the NPT, fully comply with all relevant UN Security Council Resolutions, and resume all cooperation with the IAEA.


6.                  Singapore also welcomes the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) agreed between the P5+1 and Iran. The agreement is a significant step in the right direction, but the implementation of the agreement will be critical. We urge all parties to fulfil their obligations expeditiously and in good faith. Singapore recognises the essential role of the IAEA in verifying and monitoring the nuclear-related measures set out in the JCPOA.  We support its implementation of the measures contained in the UN Security Council Resolution 2231 (2015), and look forward to the Director-General’s report on the implementation of the “Road-map for the Clarification of Past and Present Outstanding Issues regarding Iran’s Nuclear Program” that was signed on 14 July 2015. 


Mr President,


7.                  Singapore welcomes the IAEA’s valuable work in mobilising peaceful applications of nuclear science and technology to address critical global challenges in myriad areas, such as in food and agriculture, public health, water resources, and the environment.  Singapore has collaborated with the IAEA since 2000 to jointly provide technical assistance to other fellow developing IAEA member states.  We are pleased to have renewed our commitment to work together when we welcomed Director-General Amano to Singapore in January this year, and committed to an updated Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the Singapore-IAEA Third Country Training Programme.  Under the scope of this revised MOU, Singapore and the IAEA will provide joint technical assistance to other developing countries in more areas, including nuclear medicine and nuclear safety.  We have begun with a joint training programme for participants from 11 countries, on the Strategy and Evaluation of Trials on Aedes Mosquito population suppression using the Sterile Insect Technique.  We hope that this will be merely the first programme of a fruitful co-operation.


8.                  Singapore also supports the IAEA’s continued cooperation with regional organisations.  We welcome the progress made by the ASEAN Network of Regulatory Bodies on Atomic Energy (ASEANTOM) in strengthening cooperation amongst countries in Southeast Asia in promoting greater nuclear safety, security and safeguards within the ASEAN Community.  ASEANTOM has proposed an IAEA Regional Technical Cooperation project to support the establishment of a regional environmental radioactivity database and an emergency preparedness and response framework, which will commence in 2016.  We look forward to the further strengthening of the collaboration between ASEANTOM and the IAEA.


Mr President,


9.                  In conclusion, Singapore is a proud partner of the IAEA, which has done good work and made significant contributions to the international community.  We look forward to continuing our cooperation. 


10.             Thank you.



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