20 Apr 2023

1 Co-chairs, let me begin by expressing my deep appreciation to your leadership and your efforts in steering this very important and challenging process. I want to begin by aligning my position with the statement made by Cuba, on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.


2 Co-chairs, I want to say that you have put forward a very good concept note. I welcome the guiding questions that you have presented to us, and I also thought that the criteria that you had put forward were good ones and present no difficulties for my delegation. With regard to the scope of the Summit of the Future, we think that there has to be three starting points. One is of course the outcomes of the SDG Summit, that will take place in September 2023. We certainly hope that the SDG political declaration will be adopted by leaders then will be as substantive as possible. That will give us a good starting point for our work for the Summit of the Future.


3 The second starting point is the twelve commitments in the UN75 Declaration, and you had also highlighted this in your concept note. The third starting point is actually modalities resolution 76/307, which has in my view, enough guidance for us to begin our work this year. If we look at OPs 1 and 2 of the resolution, we can see that it offers enough guidance, on the scope. For example, OP 1 “decides that the Summit of the Future has an important role to play in reaffirming the Charter of the United Nations, reinvigorating multilateralism, boosting implementation of existing commitments, and agreeing on concrete solutions to challenges and restoring trust among members”. In a sense, OP 1 is similar to the criteria that you have put forward. So in my view, there is no need to have a debate on whether the criteria that you have put forward are to be negotiated, because that would be tantamount to negotiating about what to negotiate. Lets take a pragmatic approach. OP 1 has enough for us to start discussions on the scope of the Summit of the Future and an outcome document. OP 2 says that the theme of the Summit of the Future is “Multilateral Solutions for a Better Tomorrow”. So what are the multilateral solutions we are looking for? Each one of us, as individual delegations or groups of delegations, need to answer this. So this is our view with regard to the scope of the Summit of the Future.


4 In addition, we need to look at new and emerging issues that may not be adequately addressed by the SDG framework, for example, the reference to digital technologies, which has been widely mentioned. Another aspect is global governance. It is very clear that the IFIs need to be reformed. It is also very clear that the link between the IFIs and UN development system needs to be strengthened. These are gaps in global governance in our view, and these issues must be addressed. There is also the question of global preparedness to crises and idea of an Emergency Platform has been put forward. That too, we think would be a good way to strengthen the multilateral system.


5 The fundamental question is this. What exactly are we expecting for the Summit of the Future, and what will success look like? The SDG Summit as well as the Summit of the Future are major milestone moments and they have to produce substantive, actionable outcomes. We must have real outcomes on the ground for people, and also outcomes that strengthen the multilateral system. In this regard, we should look at a wide range of input. These include the policy briefs, the report of the High Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism, and of course the ideas and proposals put forward by delegations. Singapore will take a pragmatic approach and an outcome-oriented approach. We will be looking for good ideas, and it does not matter to us where the good ideas come from. If it is a good one, and it can strengthen the multilateral system, address gaps, and respond to the needs of people, we are prepared to work with any delegation to make that a reality and make that part of the outcome of the Summit of the Future.


6 Finally, I want to say a few words about the ministerial preparatory meeting for the Summit of the Future. We think it will be useful to have a structured and thematic approach to the ministerial meeting. If we do not have a structured or thematic approach, there is a real risk that it will be a repeat of the General Debate that will take place in the first few days of High-level Week. I think it is best that we avoid such repetitive debates in September. Second, we also think it would be useful for the two co-chairs to present some kind of issues paper or elements paper that puts together all the ideas and suggestions that have been put forward by delegations, as a way of framing the discussions for the ministerial meeting. Third, Singapore would also welcome further consultations on the elements of an outcome document. We will take a pragmatic approach, and I appeal to delegations that we should guided by paragraph 16(a) of resolution 76/307, which says that we will begin consultations on the scope of the Summit of the Future, and paragraph 16(b) which refers to negotiations to conclude the outcome document with adequate time for the negotiating sessions. It is reasonable that we begin, at least a preliminary exchange of views, in the next few months, so that by the time our ministers are here in September, they can also give us their guidance.


7 Once again co-chairs, thank you very much for the work that you do, and we are ready to work with you and all delegations to make the Summit of the Future a success. Thank you.


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