21 Feb 2022

Mr Vice President,


2 I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the following countries: Finland, Mexico, Colombia, Denmark, Fiji, Indonesia, Italy, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Latvia, Namibia, the Philippines, Qatar, Rwanda, Switzerland, and my own country Singapore.


3 We would like to thank Under Secretary-General Volker Turk for his briefing on this third thematic cluster entitled “Frameworks for a peaceful world – promoting peace, international law and digital cooperation”.


4 As with the other issues in this cluster, the opportunities and challenges we face in the area of digital cooperation are tremendous. However, to maximise the opportunities, we need to work together to put in place a framework for international cooperation. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated technological change and the digital revolution, transforming our societies and economies. If we do not act urgently, digital divides will widen and many nations will be left behind. It is in this context that we wish to address the Secretary-General’s proposal for a Global Digital Compact.


5 First, we welcome the proposal for a Global Digital Compact. We believe that it is timely to start a discussion on a framework for international cooperation on digital issues and digital technology. The digital space is a global commons in need of multilateral action. As the Secretary-General has highlighted in the Common Agenda, the potential harms of the digital domain risk overshadowing its benefits. Today, 2.9 billion people remain digitally disconnected. Around the world, governments are grappling with the negative effects of digitalisation, including misinformation and data misuse. The challenges posed by digitalisation are global in nature, and therefore require a concerted global response.


6 Second, a key objective of the Global Digital Compact must be to close digital divides and support sustainable development. We believe that the overarching focus of the Global Digital Compact should be on leveraging digital transformation to improve lives, empower people, and advance the SDGs. We should prioritise areas with urgent need and broad agreement amongst Member States, such as closing digital divides and expanding connectivity, including Final 2 affordable infrastructural connectivity. Securing early achievements in these areas will add momentum to our efforts and drive our process forward. We should also build upon the good work that has been done to implement the Secretary General’s Roadmap on Digital Cooperation. The key pillars of the Roadmap, including global connectivity by 2030, digital inclusion, and human rights, can serve as building blocks for the Compact.


7 Third, the UN has a central role to play in building consensus on the issues of digital technologies, especially in terms of how such technologies can be harnessed to support the work of the UN in areas of peace and security, sustainable development, and human rights. While there are multiple international platforms to deal with the issues of digital technologies, telecommunications and the internet, the UN can serve as an important venue to bring these conversations together and build common ground. The UN provides the inclusivity and legitimacy that is much needed to work together to lay down common principles and guidelines for cooperation. The UN is also a platform where the voices of small and developing states can be heard, and their interests taken into account.


8 Fourth and lastlyit is essential to adopt an inclusive approach that involves all stakeholders when discussing the Global Digital Compact. It is important to engage with the private sector, academia, civil society, and local expertise and to seek their views and perspectives. We also support the important role that the Office of the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology will play in this process.


9 We look forward to further discussions with all Member States on these issues. As members of the Group of Friends (GOF) on Digital Technologies, we believe that the GOF can serve as a useful platform to facilitate discussions, build common ground, and advance the digital agenda in the UN.


10 I thank you.


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