03 Oct 2022

Thank you, Madam Chair.


Singapore aligns itself with the statements made by Pakistan on behalf of the Group of 77 and China, Antigua and Barbuda on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States, and Cambodia on behalf of Association of Southeast Asian Nations.


2 Allow me to join others in congratulating the Chair and other members of the Bureau on your election. Singapore welcomes the full resumption of in-person work, and we look forward to working with the Chair and Bureau towards a successful Second Committee session.


Madam Chair,


3 We member states have come a long way in our fight against the pandemic. Yet even as we adapt to living with COVID-19 and begin building towards an inclusive and sustainable recovery, new challenges have emerged that threaten to set us back once more.


4 The war in Ukraine has disrupted global food and energy supplies and driven up prices of these essential commodities. Supply chain bottlenecks that were exacerbated by COVID-19 continue to persist. Climate change has led to more extreme weather events.


5 We must address these issues urgently. In this context, Singapore welcomes the general debate theme: “Transforming political commitments into actions for sustainable recovery – rebuilding a sustainable future for all”. Our discussions will reaffirm the importance of multilateral cooperation – in particular, the key role of the United Nations (UN) in marshalling consensus around our collective response to the challenges of our time. At the same time, we must redouble our efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Madam Chair,


6 Singapore would like to emphasise three priorities. First, we must continue to strengthen the rules-based multilateral system. The challenges we face require a global effort to overcome. A rules-based multilateral system, with the UN at its center, represents our best chance at mobilizing our collective resources to build a better and sustainable future. We therefore support the Secretary-General’s Report on “Our Common Agenda” that calls for a more effective, networked, and inclusive multilateral system underpinned by a revitalized UN.


7 Second, we must restore disrupted global supply chains and stabilise global food and energy supplies and prices. Unimpeded cross-border flow of essential goods and commodities is critical to many States, especially small States such as Singapore which depend heavily on imports. As a global transshipment hub, Singapore will continue to do our part to keep essential supplies flowing to where they are needed most. Singapore also supports the Global Crisis Response Group on Food, Energy and Finance established by the Secretary-General.


8 Third, as we emerge from the pandemic, we must not lose sight of other global challenges such as climate change. We need to invest in mitigating physical risks while transitioning our economies to a low-carbon future. Singapore is also accelerating our long-term climate change plans and raising our ambition to achieve net-zero emissions by or around mid-century, in line with the Glasgow Climate Pact. Two years ago, we launched the Singapore Green Plan – a whole-of-nation movement to integrate and implement our plans for sustainable development and nurture our next generation to be stewards in environmental sustainability.


Madam Chair,


9 We cannot wish away the challenges of our time. But we can and must work harder to respond to these challenges and re-dedicate ourselves to achieving the SDGs. Rest assure that Singapore is committed to working closely with all delegations in the Second Committee to achieve the 2030 Agenda and leave no one behind.


10 Thank you.


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