04 Oct 2016


1.       I would like to begin by congratulating Ambassador Danny Danon on his election as Chairman of this important committee.  I assure the Chairman and members of the Bureau of the support of my delegation.



2.       Singapore associates itself with the statement of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic made on behalf of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).  We would also like to thank the Secretary-General for his report on this agenda item.



3.       Like many countries around the world, Singapore is deeply concerned by the threat posed by international terrorism.  As my Foreign Minister noted in his statement during the General Debate of the General Assembly, terrorism remains a clear and present threat to international peace and security. Southeast Asia has in recent times become a fertile recruiting ground for terrorist organisations like ISIS.  Unfortunately, the use of social media has helped extremists to promote violence and extremism and recruit followers.



4.       Regardless of their origin or methods, international terrorists and violent extremists aim to create a climate of fear, and inflict maximum damage and suffering.  They aim to divide and tear apart our communities, and destroy the social fabric of our societies.  We must not let them succeed.



5.       To combat the threat posed by international terrorism and violent extremism, Singapore has adopted a comprehensive counter-terrorism strategy.  We have worked on enhancing our capabilities for security responses, as well as strengthening our community’s vigilance and resilience.



6.       On the security front, we have been training and equipping our police and security forces with new skills and tools.  We have formed new emergency response teams to react quickly and decisively in the event of a terrorist incident. 



7.       No country’s counter-terrorism strategy can be complete without harnessing the efforts of its citizens.  The community has a pivotal role to play in combating terrorism.  In recognition of this important fact, Singapore is launching a new national movement called ‘SG Secure’, which is aimed at rallying citizens from all walks of life to unite and join forces in the fight against terrorism. In Singapore, we are deeply committed to working hand-in-hand with religious and inter-faith organisations to counteract the spread of extremist ideologies, including through de-radicalisation programmes.



8.       Singapore also supports the need for a strong, sustained and coordinated global response to fighting terrorism.  We are party to 14 universal counter-terrorism agreements and are committed to implementing them. We are also committed to working with our friends and partners in the region.  For instance, Singapore has ratified the 2007 ASEAN Convention on Counter Terrorism, and we have established close cooperation with our regional partners, in particular with Malaysia and Indonesia, and we express our appreciation to them.



9.       Singapore has also made significant enhancements to our anti-money laundering and countering of terrorism financing regimes.  We have worked closely with member jurisdictions in the Financial Action Task Force to identify best practices and enhance international cooperation on this front.  Singapore has put in place domestic legislation to counter terrorism financing, which gives effect to the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism, as well as UN Security Council Resolution 1373.  A recent assessment by the Financial Action Task Force concluded that Singapore has a strong framework in place to combat money laundering and terrorism financing.  



10.     My delegation would like to note with appreciation the work of the Ad Hoc Committee established by the General Assembly.  Through the work of this Committee, the Assembly has thus far adopted three counter-terrorism instruments.  We note that last year, the General Assembly decided to recommend that the Sixth Committee, at the 71st General Assembly, establish a working group with a view to finalizing the process on the draft comprehensive convention on international terrorism.  We look forward to exchanging views with other delegations in the context of this working group on this important issue.



11.     Mr. Chairman, let me conclude by saying that Singapore supports the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, which enters into its tenth year in 2016.  We believe that international cooperation is essential to defeat the threat of terrorism.



12.     Thank you, Mr. Chairman.



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