05 Jul 2017
Mr Chair,
1 Thank you for giving me the floor. It is unfortunate that we often associate ageing with gloom and doom and physical decline, and some even refer to population Ageing as a “silver tsunami”.
2 While there are challenges associated with population Ageing, we believe there are opportunities too. Instead of seeing older persons as a burden on society, we should view them as valuable members of society who can make meaningful contributions. Our key goal is to help our citizens maximise their longevity and potential.
3 That is why in 2016 Singapore launched its Action Plan for Successful Ageing - to focus our population on maximising the opportunities that arise from longevity, and to channel the experience and skills of our older adults towards economic and social development. We are happy to share copies of the Action Plan.
4 Singapore ensures that our overall national policies for our older persons are in line with the aspirations of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. One initiative under the Action Plan is to extend the re-employment age. Since 1 July 2017, our laws mandate that employers must offer re-employment to eligible seniors up to 67 years old.
5 Another initiative is the establishment of a Silver Volunteer Fund to promote the participation of seniors in volunteerism. We have systematically involved seniors in community development through our grassroots network. For instance, we have set up what we call Active Ageing Councils at the grassroots level. These councils organise programmes and activities by the seniors for the seniors. Through these, our seniors themselves become the champions of active ageing by taking on the role of grassroots leaders, ambassadors and befrienders.
Mr Chair,
6 The Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons Ms Rosa Kornfeld-Matte has often spoken of the importance of elderly autonomy in her public statements and during her visit to Singapore last year. We agree that our seniors want to be heard, and to take charge of their lives. That is why we have actively engaged them through an extensive consultation process before we developed the Action Plan. We believe that for our seniors to make a meaningful mark in society, the process has to be ground-up.
7 Singapore has made significant progress in building an inclusive society, and enhancing the well-being of our elderly in line with our ongoing efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda. We want to transform Singapore into a city for all ages, where seniors can achieve their potential and contribute meaningfully to society.
Mr Chair,
8 In conclusion, with far sighted policies, we can achieve an inclusive and productive society where all citizens, young and old, are equally valued. In the coming years, we will also be working with the community to promote other inclusive practices, whether in education, employment or society at large.
9 I thank you.