Cambodia was one of the first countries to recognise Singapore’s independence on 10 August 1965, via a telegram from then-Prince Norodom Sihanouk to then-Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew. Formal diplomatic relations were established on 15 September 1965. Dr Ernest Steven Monteiro was appointed Singapore’s first Ambassador to Cambodia and took up post in 1966. The Embassy was closed in 1973 but reopened in 1995, following Mr Mushahid Ali’s appointment as Ambassador.


Ms TEO Lay Cheng



COL NG Yu Long, Bernard 

Defence Attaché (Resident in Hanoi)


Mr CHIU Eng Tatt



Ms Novene LI

First Secretary (Admin and Consular)


Ms Bernice SEOW

Second Secretary (Political)


Mr Jeremy CHUA

Third Secretary (Singapore Cooperation Centre)


Mr ONG Wei Jie

Attaché (Admin and Technical)


Last updated on 27 June 2024

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