Application For A Visa To Enter Singapore

With immediate effect from 1 April 2013, the Singapore Embassy in Riyadh will no longer accept individual walk-in applications. Applications must be submitted to any one of the authorized visa agents below.

1.    Fursan Travel & Tour Company (Tel: +966 9200 00442, Office Mobile: +966 55 726 9262), website:

2     VFS Global – Unified Visa Application Centre (Tel: +966 92000 7358), website:

All visa applicants are required to complete the attached visa application form in full i.e. all columns and blank spaces completed.
The visa application forms are available free of charge at:
1.    Singapore Embassy from 8.00 am to 3.30 pm during working days from Sundays to Thursdays.

2.    Authorised visa agents.

3.    The visa application form can also be downloaded from the website:

Submission of documents
You can apply for your visa through any one of the authorised visa agents
Visa applications will be accepted only when all the following documents are in order:
1.    Fully completed visa application form (Form 14A);

2.    2 recent coloured passport size photograph with white background adhered to the form;

3.    Photocopy (in A4 size - 1 copy) of your passport pages and any valid visas to other countries;

4.    Letter of Introduction (LOI or Form V39A) from a Singapore Citizen (as an individual or representing a Singapore Company or Institution) if required; 

5.    All documents in Arabic, including official letters, should be translated into English language, otherwise it will result in a delay in processing; and

6.    A local mobile or telephone number and email address for contact when visa is approved.

Visa Fees
The processing fee per visa application submitted is the equivalent of SR 80. This visa processing fee, which is collected by the Singapore government, must be paid to the authorised visa agent upon submission of the visa application. Personal cheques are not accepted. The visa processing fee is non-refundable regardless of the outcome of the application or if the application is withdrawn after submission.

Apart from the visa processing fee, the authorised visa agent may charge an additional administrative fee for processing the visa application. This administrative fee is not collected by the Singapore government. The fees per visa application charged by the respective authorised visa agents (SR 80 for visa processing fee and other administrative fees) are listed in both the authorised visa agents website.

Processing Time
The processing of the visa will commence on the date when ALL documents are received in order and not when the incomplete application is first received. The normal processing time for visa application is usually 5 working days, excluding the day of submission and the weekends. Some applications may take longer to process. The authorised visa agents will inform the applicants when the visas are approved. For further details please visit the website of the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority of Singapore at
For further enquiries, please call the Embassy at +966 11 4803855, extension 300

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