If you are intending to travel or are travelling in the Republic of Korea (ROK), please do take note of the following points before/during your travel:


Before You Travel

  • eRegister with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (https://eregister.mfa.gov.sg/) so that we can contact you should there be a need. This is so that we can stay in touch with Singaporeans and provide assistance in times of emergency. The registration will also facilitate dissemination of information on events organised by the Embassy. All information provided would be kept confidential.
  • Purchase comprehensive travel insurance and be familiar with the terms and coverage.
  • Check out the customs regulations concerning import and export of items, especially the duty-free allowance into/out of the ROK.
  • If you plan to drive in the Republic of Korea, make sure that you obtain either an international driving licence or IDP prior to your visit.  
While You Are Travelling in the ROK

  • Obey the local laws and respect the local customs.
  • Take special care of your passport and other documents of identification and keep them in a safe place.
  • Do not carry too much cash or other valuables.
  • Always take care of personal safety and security.
  • Never carry packages through customs on behalf of other people.
  • If you require any translation help, please call the 24hr Korean Tourism Organisation Hotline at 1330, or +82-2-1330 (if calling from outside the Republic of Korea).
  • Stay current with the media coverage of local events and be aware of your surroundings at all times. Factor recent developments into your travel plans and activities.
  • Exercise caution around large gatherings and avoid locations known for demonstrations or disturbances.
  • Take all necessary precautions to ensure your personal safety, and remain vigilant and alert to local security developments.  
  • Follow the instructions of local authorities in an emergency. Be prepared for additional security screening and unexpected disruptions.
  • Stay in touch with your family and friends so that they know how to contact you.  It will be good to share your travel itinerary with them, and in the event of an emergency, do let them know that you are safe.

Singaporeans who require consular assistance can contact the Embassy at:

Embassy of the Republic of Singapore – Republic of Korea 
Address: 28th Fl. Seoul Finance Center
136, Sejong-daero, Jung-gu, Seoul 04520
Telephone: 001-82-(2) 774-2464, 774-2465
Telefax: 001-82-(2) 773-2463, 001-82-(2) 773-2465
E-mail: singemb_seo@mfa.sg
Embassy Homepage

Singaporeans who require urgent consular assistance after office hours, please contact the Embassy's Duty Officer at +82-10-7204-6240 (if dialling from outside Korea), or 010-7204-6240 (if within Korea). 

However, please be advised that general enquiries, including visa enquiries will not be entertained on the emergency contact number. 


What the Embassy can do

  • Provide information, advice and consular assistance.
  • Issue an emergency travel document if you lose your passport.
  • Contact your relatives or friends to request them to send you emergency funds for your repatriation or other necessary emergency expenses.
  • Notify your next-of-kin in the event that you are injured abroad.
  • Notify your next-of-kin in the event of your arrest or detention.
  • Visit a Singapore citizen who has been arrested or imprisoned, and monitor that due process under the judicial system of the Republic of Korea is accorded to him or her.
  • Help to obtain a list of officially registered local lawyers and translation services where this is available.
  • Assist in the arrangements for the return of the remains of a deceased Singaporean in the event of his/her demise to Singapore.
  • Assist in the arrangements for the return of personal belongings of a deceased Singaporean.
  • Help you during emergencies such as natural disasters or civil disorder.
  • Certification of documents as a Notary Public.

What the Embassy cannot do

  • Pay your medical, hospital, legal, accommodation, travel or other bills.
  • Provide loans or cash your cheques.
  • Post bails or pay fines on your behalf.
  • Intervene in the judicial process of a foreign country or ignore local laws.
  • Intervene in or act as an intermediary in disputes which are of a civil or commercial nature. 
  • Provide legal advice or initiate court proceedings on your behalf.
  • Act as your guarantor or sponsor.
  • Arrange for your accommodation or for work.
  • Provide translation, mail-forwarding, telephone, fax/telex or other personal services.

Below are a list of FAQs that you may find useful:

What should you do if arrested

  • If you are arrested and charged with an offence when you are in the Republic of Korea, remain calm and co-operative. Request the authorities to inform the Singapore Embassy. Ask your relatives and friends to contact the Singapore Embassy or the Consular Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Singapore.

What should you do if your passport is lost/stolen

  • First, report to the local police and obtain a copy of a Loss Property Report. Secondly, contact the Singapore Embassy and inform us of your loss to apply for a Document of Identity. Bring the police report, documentary proof of your identity (for e.g. NRIC) and two passport-sized photographs to the Embassy.

    It is advisable for all Singapore travellers to make photocopies of your passport and NRIC when travelling overseas in the event that you lose your identification and travel documents or they are stolen.

What should you do if you lose your money and valuables

  • Make a police report at the local police station and obtain a statement about the loss. In an emergency, you can arrange for funds to be remitted to you by your family or friends through a bank or Western Union. If this is not possible, your family or friends can remit funds to you via the Singapore Embassy by depositing the funds with the Consular Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

What should you do if you are hospitalised

  • Get in touch with the Singapore Embassy.  If you require any translation assistance at the hospital, please call the 24hr Korean Tourism Organisation Hotline at 1330, or +82-2-1330 (if calling from outside the Republic of Korea).

What should you do if a Singaporean dies in the Republic of Korea

  • Get in touch with the Singapore Embassy. The Embassy will render the necessary advice and assistance.

What should you do in the event that a disaster or civil disorder occurs

  • If in the event of civil unrest which threatens your safety, you should immediately get in touch with the Singapore Embassy and provide your contact details


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