Our SG Conversation in Shanghai

10 Dec 2012

(Picture: SPS Sim Ann chatting with participants at the Singapore Conversation in Shanghai)




        Around 55 Singaporeans in Shanghai shared their aspirations about Singapore in a dialogue hosted by Senior Parliamentary Secretary Sim Ann and Consul General Ong Siew Gay at the Consulate General on 22 November 2012. 


        The dialogue session was part of the "Our Singapore Conversation" (OSC) launched by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in his National Day Rally this year and organised by Overseas Singaporean Unit (OSU). 


        Issues raised included maintaining Singapore's global competitiveness and fostering a healthy risk-taking culture among Singaporeans. 


        A similar dialogue was held in Beijing the following day with SPS Sim Ann and Ambassador Stanley Loh.   


To find out more, please go to this OSU hyperlink:  http://www.overseassingaporean.sg/articles/d/our-sg-conversation-in-shanghai-beijing-22-23-nov-2012"



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(10 December 2012)

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