Migrant Workers Children Debate at the Singapore Consulate in Shanghai

10 Dec 2012

(Picture: Debate in progress at the Singapore Consulate in Shanghai)




        OCBC China, in partnership with Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Foundation,organised a Debating Competition on  28 November 2012 at the Singapore Consulate-General in Shanghai.  


        This debate is targeted at primary school students from migrant workers' schools in Shanghai and aims to develop confidence in  the students,  help them assimilate to life in Shanghai and broaden their learning horizon.  


        The winner and runner-up schools will  make a visit to Singapore for cultural exchanges, including visits to Singapore primary schools.  The Consulate General is proud to be involved in the debate. 


        This event was also covered by Pheonix TV news and Lianhe Zaobao


Please click below to access a news feature of the debate from Pheonix TV news:



Please click here to access a Lianhe Zaobao article on the debate.


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(10 December 2012)





(Picture: Winners of the Debate posed for a picture)

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