CG Ong Siew Gay's Speech at Singapore's 48th National Day Lunch Reception

13 Aug 2013

Shanghai Municipal People’s Government Deputy Secretary-General Mr Jin Xinming

Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee Member and Vice Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Mr Zhang Minxuan

Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Shanghai Committee Executive Vice Chairman of Committee for Study Mr Chai Junyong

Shanghai Municipal People’s Government Foreign Affairs Office Deputy Director-General Mr Fan Yufei

Colleagues from the Consular Corps,

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is my pleasure to welcome you to this celebration of Singapore’s 48th National Day. This is a joyous occasion when Singapore celebrates our achievements in the past five decades, and looks forward to even better times ahead.

There are good reasons to be optimistic.  The world is slowly coming out of the 2008 recession although the recovery signs are still weak.  In the US, IMF expects recovery to accelerate in the second half of this year.  The eurozone area is expected to climb back to positive growth territory after a difficult year. Signs of improvement are also expected elsewhere.  These are nascent, but encouraging signs which lend confidence to governments and investors around the world.

China is also experiencing a slowdown.  Chinese officials expect GDP growth to go below 8 percent, to a projected 7.5 percent.  The state of the Chinese economy and the likely policy response to the slowdown has been in the news lately.  We remain optimistic of China's economic outlook, and are confident that China has enough resolve and resources to stay the course, meet its targets and achieve stable and sustainable growth, structural upgrading and substantive reforms.

Likewise, Singapore’s growth next year looks promising. We anticipate a higher growth of about 3.8%, compared to a projected 2.3% this year.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Singapore’s links with the international markets remain key to our national survival.  China is an important economic partner with whom we share a robust relationship.

In 2012, China was our 3rd largest trading partner and our top investment destination while Singapore was China's third largest external investor.  We are also Shanghai's fourth largest investor in 2011.

Investments into the Yangtze River Delta alone take up approximately more than a third of Singapore’s total investments into China.  Among the provinces, municipalities and Special Autonomous Regions in Mainland China, Jiangsu is our top investment destination accounting for 35% of our total investments into China, while Shanghai ranks third with 10%.

Our robust economic ties with China at the provincial level are driven by several cooperation councils with key provinces and municipalities.  These councils provide leaders, officials, and investors a good platform to network and explore collaboration. Within this region, there is the Singapore-Jiangsu Cooperation Council and Singapore-Zhejiang Economic and Trade Council.

There are frequent high-level visits in our region. Anhui Party Secretary Zhang Baoshun’s visit to Singapore in April this year followed the visit by Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong to Anhui last September.  Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) and Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam visited Beijing and Shanghai in May.  DPM Tharman met with Shanghai Party Secretary Han Zheng and conducted a Roundtable Dialogue at the China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong (CELAP).  Later this year, we will welcome Minister Heng Swee Keat to co-chair the 7th Singapore-Jiangsu Cooperation Council with Governor Li Xueyong, and Minister Grace Fu to co-chair the 9th Singapore-Zhejiang Economic and Trade Council with Vice Governor Liang Liming.

At the people-to-people level, Singapore remains a key destination for study visits by Chinese officials. A large proportion of the officials would hail from the Yangtze River Delta region. There are also approximately more than 8,000 Singaporeans living, working and studying here in Shanghai alone.  This forms the largest Singaporean community in China.

In the tourism sector, China is Singapore’s 2nd largest visitor-generating market after Indonesia.  In the first nine months of 2012, there were 1.5 million visitor arrivals from China while 1.03 million Singaporeans visited China in the same year.

As China continues in its astounding growth, it has caught up and overtaken others in many areas.  Singapore recognises that there is greater room for mutual learning.  We are as interested in learning from China’s success as we are in sharing our developmental experience.

Our bilateral collaboration has also evolved to suit China’s changing developmental needs and priorities. We want to ensure that cooperation remain continually relevant and move with the times (or as our Chinese friends would say, 与时俱进). For instance, the Suzhou Industrial Park was conceived in the early 1990s to share Singapore’s experience in industrialisation, master planning and international investment promotion.  This successful modern township will be celebrating its 20th anniversary next year.  (I am especially pleased to recognise our good friends and a large contingent from the Suzhou Industrial Park today.)

With China’s focus on sustainable development, we launched in 2007 the Tianjin Eco-city. More recently, both sides have moved into private sector-led but government-supported projects. They include the Sino-Singapore Nanjing Eco Hi-Tech Island in Nanjing, the Suzhou-Nantong Science and Technology Industrial Park in Nantong and the Suzhou-Chuzhou Industrial Park in Anhui.  In particular, Singapore Nanjing Eco Hi-Tech Island and the Suzhou-Nantong Science and Technology Industrial Park have both been elevated to become provincial-level development projects last year. I am especially honoured that a senior delegation from Nantong is here today to join in our celebration. 

Leveraging on Singapore’s competitive advantage and our developmental experience, both sides have ventured into new spheres of collaboration in areas such as food safety, urban development, social management and financial cooperation.

I am especially happy to note that the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, or ICBC’s branch in Singapore, has in April this year, successfully launched operations as an RMB Clearing Bank. This makes Singapore the first offshore RMB Clearing Centre outside Greater China.  Given Singapore’s status as an established regional and global financial center, we have a strong role to play in the RMB’s internationalisation.  Further liberalisation of China’s financial sector will boost Shanghai’s development into an international financial hub.  This will generate greater opportunities for collaboration between our two cities.

Already, there is great room for further collaboration between these two highly urbanised cities faced with the common challenges of a widening income gap, maintaining social harmony, an ageing population and a challenging new media environment. 

Shanghai is a bustling city throbbing with opportunities and energy.  I am confident that under the new leadership, Shanghai will continue to play a critical role in China’s reform and development. 

Singapore looks forward to deepen and broaden our collaboration with Shanghai and the greater Yangtze River Delta region. We strongly believe that our multi-faceted cooperation will bring mutual benefits and prosperity for the peoples of both countries.








欢迎大家参加新加坡第48届国庆日的招待午宴。对于新加坡而言, 这是一个特别值得庆祝的节日,也是一个让我们一同回顾新加坡的过去,展望未来的日子。





新加坡与国际市场的紧密联系是我们国家生存之道的关键。而中国是新加坡非常重要的经济合作伙伴之一。在2012年,中国是我们的第三大贸易伙伴,也是我们的首要投资目的地。 与此同时,新加坡是中国的第三大外资来源地。我们也是上海在2011年的第四大外资来源。






在旅游业方面, 中国是新加坡的第二大客源市场。在2012 年的头九个月我们迎接了一百五十万个中国旅客。而2012全年前来中国游玩的新加坡旅客也高达一百零三万人次。


双边关系随着中国在不同发展阶段的需求不断更新,紧跟时代的步伐, 不断的与时俱进。例如,苏州工业园区在90年代早期的建设就是想通过园区,与中国分享新加坡在工业化,总体规划和吸引外资的经验。转眼间,苏州工业园已经发展成一个高度宜居的综合开发区。经过多年的努力和自我提升, 创造了优质的国际品牌。园区就将在明年庆祝二十周年了!(今天我也特别开心地看到来自苏州工业园区的好友和强大的阵容。)





上海是一个充满机会和活力的国际大都。我深信在新的领导班子下,上海将在中国改革开放的道路上扮演着重要 的角色。



To the friendship between Singapore and Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui and the good health and prosperity of our two countries and peoples!


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(08 August 2013)

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