Singapore Chinese Orchestra's Tour

27 May 2014

        The Singapore Chinese Orchestra embarked on a performance tour to Shanghai, Nanjing and Suzhou in May 2014.  The SCO was in Shanghai as part of the Shanghai Spring International Music Festival, performing at the Shanghai Music Theatre on 19 May 2014.  It then performed at the Nanjing Zijin Theatre on 20 May 2014, before proceeding to the Suzhou Cultural and Arts Center for performances on 23 and 24 May 2014 as part of the celebrations of the 20th anniversary of the Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP). 



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(27 May 2014)




(Picture: SCO Performance in Shanghai.)





(Picture: VIP guests at SCO Reception.)





(Picture: CG Ong delivering welcome remarks at SCO VIP Reception.)





(Picture: SCO VIP Reception at the Shanghai Concert Hall.)

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