Visit by Ambassador Stanley Loh to Jiangsu and Zhejiang, 25 – 28 June 2014

22 Jul 2014

        Ambassador Stanley Loh, accompanied by Consul General Ong, visited Nanjing and Hangzhou from 25 to 28 June 2014.  In Nanjing, Ambassador Loh met with Jiangsu Governor Li Xueyong, Nanjing Party Secretary Yang Weize and Nanjing Mayor Miao Ruilin.  In Hangzhou, he met with Zhejiang Vice Governor Liang Liming.  Ambassador Loh also officiated at a ceremony marking SilkAir’s inaugural Singapore-Hangzhou direct flight at the Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport on 27 June 2014.  He also visited Zhejiang University, which has a collaboration programme with the Singapore University of Science and Technology.


        For more information, refer to:



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(15 July 2014)




(Picture: Ambassador Stanley Loh meeting with Jiangsu Governor Li Xueyong on 26 June 2014.)





(Picture: Ambassador Stanley Loh meeting Nanjing Party Secretary Yang Weize on 26 June 2014.)





(Picture: Ambassador Stanley Loh meeting Nanjing Mayor Miao Ruilin on 25 June 2014.)





(Picture: Ambassador Stanley Loh meeting Zhejiang Vice Governor Liang Liming on 27 June 2014.)





(Picture: Ambassador Stanley Loh at the ceremony to welcome SilkAir’s inaugural flight to Hangzhou at the Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport on 27 June 2014.)





(Picture: Ambassador Stanley Loh meeting Zhejiang University Vice President Luo Weidong on 27 June 2014.)

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