06 Nov 2015

In celebration of Singapore’s Golden Jubilee, the Singapore National Library Board (NLB) is presenting books to more than 40 libraries around the world, including the Shanghai Library and the Suzhou Dushu Lake Library.  CG Ong Siew Gay and NLB Deputy Chief Executive Tay Ai Cheng presented the books to the two libraries on 19 October and 26 October respectively.  These books feature Singapore authors and cover a range of topics including our architecture, bio-diversity, economic development and the arts. 

(Photo: Book Presentation Ceremony at the Shanghai Library. From left, NLB Deputy Chief Executive Tay Ai Cheng, CG Ong Siew Gay, Director of Shanghai Library Wu Jianzhong and Deputy Director of Shanghai Library’s International Cooperation Division Gong Weijia.)

(Photo: Book Presentation Ceremony at the Suzhou Dushu Lake Library. From left, Director of Suzhou Dushu Lake Library Li Chunmei, Suzhou Dushu Lake Science and Education Innovation Park Administrative Committee Executive Vice Chairman Jiang Weiming, NLB Deputy Chief Executive Tay Ai Cheng, CG Ong Siew Gay, Deputy Director of the Suzhou Industrial Park Administrative Committee Xia Fang, Deputy Director of the Suzhou Foreign Affairs Office Wu Hongwei, and Deputy Director of the Suzhou Municipal Administration of Culture, Radio and Television Shi Yuanmei.)

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(6 November 2015)

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