CG Ong's Visit to Zhou Shan and Ningbo

26 Jun 2012

CG Ong Siew Gay made an introductory visit to Zhou Shan and Ningbo from 11-13 June 2012.  CG was hosted to dinner by Zhou Shan Party Secretary Liang Liming, who briefed CG on new policy incentives in Zhou Shan for foreign investors.  Zhou Shan has been designated as the fourth New District in China following Shanghai’s Pudong, Tianjin’s Bohai and Chongqing’s Liangjiang.  As a New District, the Central Government will give Zhou Shan greater policy autonomy to embark on new projects and incentives for foreign investors.  CG highlighted tourism development, water treatment and port development as key areas where Singapore’s experience might be relevant to Zhou Shan.  CG’s delegation also visited Putuo Shan Island.



In Ningbo, CG was hosted to dinner by Mayor Liu Qi.  Both sides affirmed the great potential for bilateral cooperation.  Singapore and Ningbo are both port cities and share many similarities.  CG noted that privately-owned enterprises, which is a core feature of Ningbo’s economy, can tap on Singapore’s global connectivity, financial resources, stability and excellent infrastructure to strategically reach out to new markets in Southeast Asia, India and the Middle East.  CG also visited the Beilun port and some Singapore companies in Ningbo and had lunch with Singaporeans from the Singapore Kakis Club in Ningbo.  CG’s delegation included officials from MFA, IE Singapore and IDA.


Ningbo Mayor Liu Qi
(Picture: CG Ong(left) with Ningbo Mayor Liu Qi)
Zhou Shan Party Sec Liang Liming
(Picture: CG Ong with Zhou Shan Party Sec Liang Liming)
kakis club
(Picture: Group photo with Ningbo Singapore Kakis Club)

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