Singapore Restaurant Month - Food Tasting Session for Journalists

11 Jul 2012

In the lead-up to the Singapore Restaurant Month (SRM) beginning 1 August 2012, the Singapore Consulate-General in partnership with the Shanghai Singapore Business Association-Singapore Club Shanghai (SSBA-SCS) organised a food tasting session for a group of journalists from International Channel Shanghai (ICS), City Weekend and the Shanghai Traffic Radio Station on 11 July 2012. The lunch event, which was graced by Consul-General Ong, introduced to our Shanghai-based journalist friends some of the best Singaporean signature dishes, including the Malay Satay, Nonya Laksa, Hainanese Chicken Rice, and the Indian Fish Head Curry, truly reflecting our vibrant multi-racial and multi-cultural society.


For more information on the participating restaurants and their offers, please log onto


(11th July 2012)

CG @ Palate
Food tasting

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