Study Visit to Shanghai by delegation from Centre for Liveable Cities (CLC)

29 Sep 2012

        Centre for Liveable Cities (CLC) Executive Director Mr Khoo Teng Chye led a study visit to Shanghai from 27-28 September 2012. 


        The CLC delegation visited Shanghai Energy Saving Environmental Protection Industrial Park to learn their story of retrofitting an old factory into an innovative industrial park. They also visited the Shanghai  Environment and Energy Exchange and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF)  Office in Shanghai.  In Xintiandi, they visited the Shui On Group to understand more about real estate development in Shanghai.


        Shanghai Mission organised a networking lunch for the delegation to meet contacts from the public and private sectors in Shanghai. 


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(29 September 2012)



CLC 001
(Picture: Visit to WWF Shanghai)




CLC 002
(Picture: Guided tour of the Shanghai Scientific Energy Conservation Museum)




CLC 003
(Picture: Visit to Shui On Group Showroom)

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