Remarks by CG Ong at Singapore-China YBA Programme Closing Ceremony 王总领事在新加坡 - 中国青年商务大使闭幕式的致辞

10 Dec 2012






1                 It gives me great pleasure to be here to join in the closing ceremony of the 8th Singapore-China Young Business Ambassadors programme.   There is undeniably a youthful energy in this room as the stars of today are our twelve young business ambassadors, the future leaders of our two countries. 


2                 Singapore-China relations, underpinned by strong trade and investment flows, are deep and multi-faceted.  In 2011, China was Singapore’s third largest trading partner and remains our companies’ top investment destination.  The Singapore-China Free Trade Agreement (FTA) inked in 2008 was yet another key step forward in strengthening bilateral economic ties.  The comprehensive bilateral FTA has certainly helped to create even more opportunities for businesses from both countries to grow their links in each other’s market amidst an increasingly challenging global economic environment.



3                 Bilateral cooperation is not only confined within the economic sphere.  From our first bilateral project in the Suzhou Industrial Park in 1994 to the establishment of the Tianjin Eco-city in 2007, as well as the more recent cooperation projects in various localities like Sichuan, Guangzhou and Jilin, our bilateral relationship has constantly evolved and adapted to the changing interests and developmental needs of each other.  In this regard, while our focus had been on economics, there has been an expansion of cooperation to other areas including culture, human resource development as well as social management.  This not only reflects the high level of trust that both our political leaderships have in each other but more fundamentally, a good testament to the strong and enduring people-to-people relations that we have built and continually strengthened throughout the years.



4                 Indeed, our cultural and linguistic affinity serve us well, aptly reflected in our robust people-to-people exchanges.  Last year, the number of Chinese tourists to Singapore surged 35% from 2010 and accounted for Singapore’s second largest group of foreign visitors.  Likewise, China remains a highly attractive work and travel destination for many Singaporeans.  Shanghai and the greater Yangtze River Delta region, for instance, are home to more than some 10,000 Singaporeans, many of whom are either working professionals in a variety of sectors or students pursuing full-time degrees at top Chinese universities or shorter internship programmes. 



5                 This only looks set to be an upward trend as China’s remarkable growth story continues to unfold.  With rapid urbanisation and China’s economic restructuring to move further up the value chain, new and exciting opportunities abound for our peoples from both sides.  Looking forward, we can only expect even more mutual learning and sharing of experiences between our peoples. 


6                 On this note, I would like to commend the Singapore International Foundation, the Shanghai People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, and the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Foreign Experts for your untiring efforts in promoting the friendship and understanding between our peoples.  Through collaboration platforms like the Young Business Ambassadors programme, you play an important role in fostering the people-to-people ties between our two countries, and nurturing the next generation of business leaders who will continue to build bridges between us. 


7                 My heartiest congratulations to our twelve Young Business Ambassadors.  I trust that the exposure has been a valuable experience and I sincerely hope that you will cherish and grow the friendships made. 


8                  Thank you.



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尊敬的上海市人民对外友好协会 常务副会长 汪小澍先生

尊敬的上海市外国专家局 副局长 黄渭茂先生

尊敬的新加坡国际基金会 董事 詹道存教授




        很高兴能够参加第八届新加坡 – 中国青年商务大使的闭幕式。今天 在这里,有十二位青年商务大使。我们大家都能够感觉到满屋的活力。他们将是新中两国的未来。
























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(10 December 2012)



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