Closing Ceremony of the Eighth Singapore-China Young Business Ambassadors Programme

10 Dec 2012

(Picture: Group photo at the Eighth Singapore-China Young Business Ambassadors (YBA) Programme closing ceremony)




        The Eighth Singapore-China Young Business Ambassadors (YBA) Programme drew to a close on 28 November 2012 in Shanghai. 


        This year,  6 Singapore professionals did an internship at companies and government organisations based in Shanghai while 6 Chinese professionals from Shanghai did so similarly in Singapore. 


        The VIPs present at the ceremony were Professor Cham Tao Soon, Singapore International Foundation (SIF) Governor,  Shanghai People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries Executive Vice President Wang Xiaoshu and Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Foreign Experts Deputy Director-General Huang Weimao. 


        CG Ong Siew Gay gave a speech at the closing ceremony.   


        Since the programme began in 2004, there are a total number of 66 YBAs (32 Singaporeans and 34 Chinese). The growth and success of the Singapore-China YBA programme testifies to the strong partnerships between the SIF and its Chinese partners, such as the Shanghai People¨s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Foreign Experts.


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(10 December 2012)

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