Professor Cham Tao Soon conferred prestigious Magnolia Silver Award

09 Dec 2013

        Singapore International Foundation (SIF) Governor Professor Cham Tao Soon was awarded the Magnolia Silver Award by the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government Foreign Affairs Office at a presentation ceremony held in conjunction with the conclusion of the 2013 Singapore-China Young Business Ambassadors (YBA) Programme last week. The award, named after Shanghai’s city flower, is presented annually to honour foreigners who have made outstanding contributions to Shanghai’s social and economic development through foreign exchange and cooperation. Also present at the award ceremony were Shanghai People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (SPAFFC) Executive Vice President Wang Xiaoshu and CG Ong Siew Gay.

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9 December 2013

(Picture: Professor Cham Tao Soon (L) receives the Magnolia Silver Award from SPAFFC Executive Vice President Mr Wang Xiaoshu)

(Picture: YBA participants with SPAFFC Vice President Mr Zhou Yajun and SPAFFC Executive Vice President Mr Wang Xiaoshu (first two from left) with SIF Governor Professor Cham Tao Soon (eight from left) and Singapore Consul-General Mr Ong Siew Gay (ninth from left).

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