Chinese New Year Consulate-General Open House

20 Jan 2014

Co-organized with the Shanghai-Singapore Business Association (SSBA), the 2014 Chinese New Year Open House was held for Singaporeans in Shanghai at the Consulate-General on 11 January 2014.  More than 400 Singaporeans turned up for the event.  Fellow Singaporeans mingled over a spread of our favourite Singaporean dishes and enjoyed themselves shopping at our “pasar malam”.  Another highlight of the event was the showing of “That Girl in Pinafore”, a Singaporean comedy-musical released in August 2013 that was showcased at the 2013 Shanghai International Film Festival.

This is the second year running that the Consulate-General has co-organized this pre-Chinese New Year event with the SSBA.  The Consulate-General would like to express our appreciation to everyone for your strong support and active participation.  Due to limited capacity and out of safety considerations, we were not able to accommodate everyone and had to turn away others.  We apologize for this and will look into how we can accommodate more people in future.  We look forward to seeing you at the next Consulate-General Open House. 

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20 January 2014

(Picture: Singaporeans cheer to New Year.)

(Picture: Singaporeans watching "That Girl in Pinafore".)

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