Visit of Minister of State, Prime Minister's Office and Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth Sam Tan to Shanghai and Suzhou, China

27 May 2014

        Minister of State (MOS), Prime Minister’s Office and Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth, Mr Sam Tan visited Shanghai and Suzhou in May 2014.  MOS Tan was in Shanghai for the Fourth Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) before proceeding to Suzhou to attend commemorative activities for the 20th anniversary of the Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP).



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(27 May 2014)




(Picture: Lunch hosted by Pudong Party Secretary Shen Xiaoming for MOS Tan.)





(Picture: Roundtable with Pudong Interns.)





(Picture: MOS Tan accompanied by CG Ong visits Wuliqiao District Community.)





(Picture: MOS Tan at the SIP 20th Anniversary Commemoration Ceremony First from left is Suzhou Mayor Zhou Naixiang. Third from left is Suzhou Party Secretary Jiang Hongkun.)





(Picture: MOS Tan, accompanied by Suzhou Party Secretary Jiang Hongkun, SIPAC Party Secretary Wang Xiang and CG Ong, visits SIP.)





(Picture: MOS Tan with SIPAC Party Secretary Wang Xiang.)





(Picture: MOS Tan visiting the Suzhou University Music College. First from left is Singaporean violinist Seow Lee Chin who is teaching at the music college.)

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