Visit by Minister for Foreign Affairs and Law Mr K Shanmugam to Suzhou and Shanghai, 14 June 2014

24 Jun 2014

            Minister for Foreign Affairs and Law Mr K Shanmugam visited Suzhou and Shanghai on 14 June 2014.  While in Suzhou, Minister Shanmugam was hosted to breakfast by Mayor Zhou Naixiang.  He also visited the  Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP) Exhibition Hall to review the industrial park’s achievements over the last twenty years and the Fangzhou Neighbourhood Centre, which is modelled after Singapore's neighbourhood community hubs.  In Shanghai, Minister Shanmugam officiated at the opening of the United Overseas Bank’s sub-branch in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone. 



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(24 June 2014)




(Picture: Minister officiating at the opening of the United Overseas Bank’s sub-branch in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone. Present were (L to R): CG Ong Siew Gay, Ambassador Stanley Loh, UOB Group CEO and Deputy Chairman Wee Ee Cheong, Minister K Shanmugam, Deputy Secretary-General and Executive Vice Director of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone Administration Committee Dai Haibao and UOB (China) CEO Eric Lian.)





(Picture: Minister sharing a light moment with residents at the Fangzhou Neighbourhood Centre.)





(Picture: Minister taking in a briefing by SIPAC Chairman Barry Yang at the Fangzhou Neighbourhood Centre.)






(Picture: Minister visiting the SIP Exhibition Hall for a review of the achievements and developments of the SIP.)






(Picture: Gift exchange between Minister K Shanmugam and Suzhou Mayor Zhou Naixiang.)

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