Chinese New Year Open House 2015

05 Feb 2015

In collaboration with the Shanghai-Singapore Business Association (SSBA) and the Overseas Singaporean Unit, the Consulate-General’s 2015 Chinese New Year Open House was held for Singaporeans at the OCBC Tower in Pudong on 31 January 2015, drawing close to 700 Singaporeans to the event.


Fellow Singaporeans relished and mingled over the spread of Singapore’s signature dishes including Jumbo chilli crab, chicken rice, nasi lemak, laksa and carrot cake.  They also enjoyed themselves shopping at our mini “pasar malam” with sales of Chinese New Year goodies. Other highlights of the event include performances by students from the Shanghai Singapore International School, a presentation by the Consulate-General on our emergency preparedness system and consular services, a briefing by Raffles Medical on China’s healthcare environment as well as the screening of two Singapore movies.


This is the third year that the Consulate-General has co-organised this pre-Chinese New Year event with SSBA and the OSU. The Consulate-General would like to express our appreciation to everyone for your strong support and active participation for the event. Do stay tuned for more future events by the Consulate-General!




(Picture: Singaporeans queuing for their lucky draw tickets at the registration counter.)





(Picture: After registration at the counter, guests got stamped on their hands -- “I love SG”.)





(Picture: CG Ong giving his Welcome Remarks at the 2015 Chinese New Year Open House, encouraging Singaporeans to participate actively in SG50 events and registering for our warden system.)





(Picture: Dance performance by students from Shanghai Singapore International School.)





(Picture: Guests doing food tasting and shopping at the mini pasar malam.)





(Picture: Singaporeans enjoying the spread of familiar Singapore dishes.)





(Picture: CG Ong presenting the first prize of the lucky draw.)





(Picture: Lucky draw winners receiving their prize from DCG Philip Ong.)





(Picture: CG Ong and Mrs Ong with the vendors of the pasar malam.)




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(5 February 2015)

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