Commemorative Events for the 25th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Singapore and China

05 Feb 2015





1          As part of our series of events to mark 25 years of Singapore-China diplomatic relations, the Singapore Embassy in Beijing is organising a Photography Competition to capture scenes and perspectives of Singapore-China friendship and cooperation.  The theme of the competition is “25 Years of Singapore-China Partnership”.  We are seeking entries that best capture Singapore-China friendship and cooperation in China from the eyes of Singapore and PRC nationals.  Our long-established people-to-people ties have linked Singapore to different parts of China and across different sectors, be it in daily life, at school, at the workplace or in business.  Through this competition, we hope to raise greater awareness of Singapore-China cooperation, and generate greater participation in our celebrations among Singaporeans and our Chinese friends. 


2          The competition is open to Singapore and PRC nationals.  Each participant may submit up to three (3) entries, which will be judged according to the relevance to the theme and creativity.  Shortlisted submissions will be reviewed anonymously by a panel of five judges from Singapore and China.  There will be 12 winning entries.  The grand prize winner will receive a Scoot Business Class Return Ticket to and from Singapore to any of the Scoot China destinations.  There will also be two runner-up prizes comprising Singapore Memorabilia.  All twelve photographs will be turned into a collectible postcard set which will be launched later this year.  Winners will receive certificates and a set of the winning postcards.


Submission Guidelines

  • Participants may submit up to three (3) entries in JPEG format.
  • Each photograph should be at least 8 megapixels and should not exceed 10 MB in size.  (Preferably 4100px on the longest dimensions, 300dpi.)
  • Name each image file as follows:

* Full Name According to Official ID_Title of Photo.JPG

* Example: Doe Boon Hwee John_Morning Exercise.JPG 

* Example: 陈宙_长城.JPG


  • Please also include in your email

* Participant’s name

* Telephone number

* Mailing address

* Email address

* A short write-up (English or Chinese acceptable, no more than 100 words) on the meaning of the photograph.


  • Entries with incomplete details will be rejected. Entries must be the original and unpublished work of the participant, who must be a Singapore or PRC national.  Judges, employees of the Singapore Embassy in Beijng and Singapore Consulates in China are not allowed to participate.
  • The act of submitting is an agreement to surrender to the organisers all rights to reproduce any entry in print, broadcast and/or electronic media without requiring the permission of the participant and without any payment in any form. The photographer will be acknowledged by her/his name as on the submission email.


  • The organizers reserve the right to modify the competition prizes and its rules and regulations.




1          作为新中两国建交25周年系列纪念活动的一部分,新加坡使馆正在组织一次摄影比赛,以求获得反映新中两国友谊与合作的照片。此次摄影大赛的主题是“新中合作25周年”。我们正在寻找新加坡和中国人民眼中最能反映新中友谊与合作的画面。新中两国人民之间的交往源远流长,新中两国的合作遍及中国的各个地区和各个行业,包括中国的日常生活、学校、工作场所、商业领域。通过这次比赛,我们希望提高两国人民的合作意识,并让新加坡人和中国朋友们更积极地参与我们的庆祝活动。


2          此次比赛面向新加坡公民和中国公民。每位参赛者最多可提交三张作品,作品的参赛资格将根据主题和创意的相关度来评判。入围作品将由来自新加坡和中国的五位专家进行匿名评审,最终将筛选十二张获奖作品。冠军得主将获得从中国往返新加坡的酷航公司商务舱机票。两名亚军得主将各获得一套新加坡珍藏品。所有十二张得奖作品将汇编成一本珍藏明信片集,于今年晚些时候发表。获奖者均将获得获奖证书和一套获奖明信片。




  • 投稿截止时间为东八区时间2015年4月30日11:59PM,请在截止时间前将作品发送至
  • 投稿人最多可发送三张JPEG格式照片。
  • 每张照片分辨率不小于8万像素,大小不超过10MB。(照片长边不超过4100px,300dpi)
  • 请按以下要求为文件命名:

* 证件姓名_作品标题 .JPG

* 如:Doe Boon Hwee John_Morning Exercise.JPG 

* 如:陈宙_长城.JPG


  • 同时请包含以下内容:

* 参赛者姓名

* 电话号码

* 地址

* Email

* 100字左右的作品简介(中英文均可)


  • 提供信息不完整者将无法入选。参赛作品须为尚未发表的自创作品。评审人员及新加坡驻华使领馆的员工没有参赛资格。
  • 作品提交后,组织方将有权利通过纸质媒体、广播和/或电子媒体发表作品,无需获得参赛者同意或支付费用。作品发表时将为参赛者署名。
  • 组织方保留修改比赛奖项和规则的权利。


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