16 May 2016

Minister of State, Ministry of National Development and Ministry of Trade & Industry, Koh Poh Koon, visited Nanjing and Suzhou from 9 to 12 May 2016.  This is MOS Koh’s introductory visit to Jiangsu Province as the Vice Co-Chairman of the Singapore-Jiangsu Cooperation Council and the Chairman of the Singapore-Nanjing Special Projects Cooperation Panel (SNCP).  


While in Nanjing, MOS Koh was joined by MOS Teo Luck, and called on Jiangsu Party Secretary Luo Zhijun.  MOS Koh and MOS Teo were also hosted to meals by Jiangsu Vice Governor Zhang Lei, Nanjing Party Secretary Huang Lixin, and also co-chaired the SNCP with Nanjing Mayor Miao Ruilin.  In addition, MOS Koh also toured the Singapore-Nanjing Eco High Tech Island (SNEHTI), a key project under the SNCP, and witnessed the launch of the SNEHTI Science and Innovation Centre. 


While in Suzhou, MOS Koh called on and was hosted to a meal by Suzhou Party Secretary Zhou Naixiang.  MOS Koh also toured the Suzhou Industrial Park and was briefed on its latest developments. 


MOS Koh was accompanied by CG Loh Tuck Wai and officials from the Ministry of Trade and Industry and International Enterprise Singapore. 

(Photo from LHZB: MOS Koh Poh Koon and Jiangsu Party Secretary Luo Zhijun.)

(Photo from LHZB: MOS Teo Ser Luck, MOS Koh Poh Koon and Nanjing Party Secretary Huang Lixin.)

(Photo from LHZB: MOS Koh Poh Koon and MOS Teo Ser Luck co-chairing the SNCP.)

(Photo from LHZB: MOS Koh Poh Koon, CG Loh Tuck Wai, representatives from the Nanjing Municipal Government and the SNEHTI at the launch of the SNEHTI Science and Innovation Centre.)

(Photo from LHZB: MOS Koh Poh Koon and Suzhou Party Secretary Zhou Naixiang.)

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(16 May 2016)

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