12 Nov 2017

Zhejiang Vice Governor Liang Liming visited Singapore from 29 November to 2 December 2017 to co-chair the 12th Singapore-Zhejiang Economic and Trade Council (SZETC) meeting with Senior Minister of State for Trade & Industry and Community, Youth & Sports Sim Ann on 1 December 2017.  At the meeting, both sides explored opportunities for both sides to tap on opportunities in the areas of trade, cross-border e-commerce, professional services and innovation, that are in line with China’s ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ (BRI).  The meeting also saw the signing of two MOUs to deepen collaboration on the BRI.  IE Singapore’s press release on the meeting can be found here.

(Photo from IE Singapore: SMS Sim and Vice Governor Liang at the 12th SZETC meeting in Singapore.)

(Photo from IE Singapore: SMS Sim and Vice Governor Liang at the 12th SZETC meeting in Singapore.)

(Photo from IE Singapore: SMS Sim and Vice Governor Liang witnessing the MOU signing.)

(11 December 2017)

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