Diplomatic relations between Singapore and the United States were established in 1966. The Singapore Embassy in Washington D.C. is committed to:

  • Contributing to the formulation and implementation of Singapore's foreign policy to advance our national interests.
  • Making friends and being a responsible and constructive member of the international community. This includes deepening bilateral ties with the United States, including in foreign policy and defence. We also work to promote and expand Singapore’s trade and economic relationship with the United States, and to promote our uniquely Singapore brand; and
  • Providing efficient and responsive consular assistance to Singaporeans in the United States.

Embassy Officials

Mr LUI Tuck Yew

Mr Weiyang LIM
Deputy Chief of Mission & Counsellor

Political, Digital & Information Section

Mr Matthew CHAN
Counsellor (Political)   

Ms LIEW Wei Lin
First Secretary (Political)

Ms Rachel LIM
First Secretary (Political)

Ms Lauren LAM
First Secretary (Political)

Mr Galen NG
Second Secretary (Political)

Ms Faustina LIM
First Secretary (Information)

Mr Hubert HAN
First Secretary (Digital)


Defence Section

Brigadier-General LEE Wee Chek Simon
Defence Attaché 


Ms Kym Yeo

Mr YEAU Wenjie
Counsellor (Defence Technology)

Ms Angela POH
Counsellor (Defence Policy)

Mr Thaddeus CHAN
First Secretary

Mr Alvin YEO
First Secretary (Defence Technology)

Mr Martin CHAN
First Secretary (Defence Technology)

Lieutenant Colonel Patrick Ong
Assistant Defence Attaché  

Economic Section

Ms Sandra Soon
Counsellor (Economic)

Mr David ANG
First Secretary (Economic)

Administrative & Consular Section

Ms Jasmin WEE
Counsellor (Administration & Consular)

Ms HSU Jing Yi
First Secretary (Administration & Consular)

Ms Camille Sonia NG
Attaché (Administration & Consular)

The list of former Ambassadors to the United States can be found here.

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