If you wish to renounce your Singapore Permanent Residency, please forward the following documents to us:-

  1. Singapore Blue NRIC;
  2. Photocopy of Current Passport;
  3. Entry Permit/Re-Entry Permit;
  4. Employment Pass(es)/Work Permit;
  5. Dependent Pass(es);
  6. Certificate of Identity (if applicable);
  7. A letter addressed to the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA), indicating your wish to renounce your Permanent Residency status. Please also provide your daytime contact details, address and email address; and
  8. Any other relevant documents issued to you by the Singapore Government agencies such as ICA, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Manpower, etc.
For male applicants who are liable for Singapore National Service, please contact the High Commission to request for the additional acknowledgement forms. 

We will not take responsibility for any documents lost in the mail and encourage you to forward the above documents at our office in person. However, if you choose to forward the documents by post, please send by registered mail or reliable courier service.

You will be informed by the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority once your Permanent Residency has been successfully renounced. No fee will be charged for the renunciation of PR.

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