Be Heard as an Overseas Singaporeans!

01 Jun 2006

Dear Fellow Singaporean, 

The Overseas Singaporean Unit in the Prime Minister's Office, which was launched in March 2006, is proud to bring you a dedicated portal that we hope will cater to your unique needs.

The portal - - will be launched sometime later this year and carry community tools to help you stay in touch with each other and back home. It will also put together information on the latest developments in Singapore and a whole lot more.

To help us better understand your needs, we would like to invite you to tell us the type of programmes and activities you are interested in, be it local networking events or attending events such as the National Day Parade back in Singapore. We would also like to know how you would like to use the portal.

Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts and register with the portal so that we can keep you informed of upcoming events, exciting offerings from our corporate partners and the portal's launch later this year.

We want to hear from you - Be Heard at!

With the best regards,
Choo Wai Yee
Overseas Singaporean Unit, PMO

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