If you would like to get to know other Singaporeans living in New Zealand, you may wish to contact the following organisations:

Singapore Clubs in New Zealand


Singapore Club in Auckland

President: Ms Lancy Chua 

Website: http://www.facebook.com/singaporeclub101


Singapore Club in Wellington

President: Mr Tan Gim Leong

Tel (Home): (64 4) 972 3269

Tel (Mobile): (64 21) 0270 1757

Email : tangim21@gmail.com


Singapore Business Association in New Zealand


Singapore Business Association New Zealand Incorporated (Auckland)

President: Mr Tan Eng Wan

Tel (Mobile): (64 21) 312 8420

Email :  engwan@sbanz.co.nz

Website: https://sbanz.co.nz


Singapore Student Associations in New Zealand

Singapore Student Association (Auckland)

President: Ms Tiffany Koo & Mr Shaun Lye 

Email: ssa.auckland@gmail.com

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/AucklandSSA/ 


Wellington Singaporean Students' Association (WESSA)

President: Ms Priya Mohan

Email: nz.wessa@gmail.com 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nzwessa/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nzwessa/


Otago Singapore Club

President: Ms Amarise En-Hui Seet

Email: otagosingaporeclub@gmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/otagosingaporeclub


If you would like to obtain more information on settling down or settling back in Singapore, please refer to Singapore Global Network.

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