09 Aug 2017
The Singapore Consulate-General in Xiamen will be closing at 12.30pm on Thursday, 27 July 2017. The reason for the earlier closure is due to our National Day Reception. We will also be closed on Wednesday, 9 August 2017. The Consulate-General will resume operations on Thursday, 10 August 2017.
In the event of an emergency, Singaporeans may call +86 1390 602 9002 for assistance.
Singapore Consulate-General in Xiamen
21 July 2017
新加坡驻厦门总领事馆因国庆招待会将于2017年7月27日(周四),下午12 点30分提早下班,并于2017 年8月9日(周三)放假一天。领事馆将于2017年8月10日(周四)开始正常工作。
新加坡公民若有紧急事故,可致电+86 1390 602 9002 寻求协助。
2017 年7 月21日