Reply by the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources to media queries on recent media articles quoting remarks made by Indonesian Environment and Forestry Minister

15 Jun 2016


The Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources refers to recent media articles quoting remarks made by Indonesian Environment and Forestry Minister Dr. Ir Siti Nurbaya Bakar on 13 June 2016,that Singapore could not “tread on the realm of law that was under Indonesia”, and that Singapore’s actions showed that it “did not respect Indonesia”.  


2        The Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources reiterates that the key driver of the recurring transboundary haze is commercial.  The Ministry’s actions are therefore directed at irresponsible companies which clear land by burning. Such blatant disregard of the environmental and social consequences affecting millions of people in our region should not go unchecked and [it] calls for collective efforts by governments and all stakeholders, due to the widespread and transboundary nature of the resultant haze. The phenomenal amount of greenhouse gases also emitted during the burning of peatland will have a profound effect on climate change that the world is battling to slow.


3        The purpose of the Transboundary Haze Pollution Act (THPA) is to deter and prosecute entities that are responsible for transboundary haze pollution in Singapore, whether Singaporean or foreign, as well as persons holding positions of responsibility in these entities.  The THPA was drafted with advice from experts in international law and complies with international law. It is not directed at any individual nor company based on nationality.  


4        This is therefore not an issue of sovereignty or national dignity. The THPA adds to the collective efforts to hold errant companies accountable for their irresponsible actions. Indonesia should welcome this additional tool to curtail irresponsible activities that have affected the health, social and economic well-being of Indonesians and people in the region. If anything, the companies will hide behind any opacity if they can, to avoid being held accountable and further perpetuate the haze problem that has plagued the region for decades.


5        The Ministry emphasises further, that Singapore respects Indonesian sovereignty. It is for this very reason that Singapore has repeatedly asked for the information on companies suspected of illegal burning in Indonesia from the relevant Indonesian authorities. We have yet to receive any information.  


6        Singapore has always upheld its bilateral relations with Indonesia. That is why Singapore companies continue to be encouraged to invest in Indonesia, and vice versa, and bilateral tourism thrives. The Ministry pursues errant companies that cause haze in this spirit. The Ministry remains committed to work with its Indonesian counterparts to bring errant companies to task, and tackle the fires and haze problem which is affecting Indonesians, Singaporeans and others in the region, in the spirit of cooperation and mutual respect.




Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources

15 June 2016


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