MFA Press Statement: Condolence Letter from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to President of the United States of America Donald Trump on the Shooting in Las Vegas, Nevada on 1 October 2017

02 Oct 2017

     Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has written to President of the United States of America Donald Trump to offer condolences on the shooting in Las Vegas, Nevada on 1 October 2017.  The text of the letter is appended.


     MFA and the Singapore Consulate-General in San Francisco have reached out to e-Registered Singaporeans in Las Vegas to ascertain their safety.  Thus far, there are no reports of Singaporeans injured by the shooting.  The Consulate-General is in close contact with the local authorities to monitor the situation closely.


     Singaporeans in Las Vegas should take the necessary precautions for their personal safety, heed the instructions of the local authorities, and closely monitor the local news.  They should stay in touch with family and friends so that they know you are safe.  Those who require urgent consular assistance should contact the Singapore Consulate-General or the 24-hour MFA Duty Office at:


Singapore Consulate-General in San Francisco

Tel: +1 415 543 4775

Duty hand-phone: +1 415 319 2322



MFA Duty Office in Singapore

Tel: +65 6379 8800/8855




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2 OCTOBER 2017



Condolence Letter from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to President of the United States of America Donald Trump



2 October 2017



Dear President Trump,



     I was deeply saddened by the shooting incident on 1 October 2017 on the Las Vegas Strip where many innocent lives were lost and countless injured. Singapore condemns this senseless and indiscriminate act of violence.


     On behalf of the Government of Singapore, I offer our deepest condolences to the bereaved families and wish the injured a speedy recovery. Our thoughts are with the American people during this difficult time.



Yours sincerely,






The Honorable Donald Trump


United States of America

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