MFA Press Statement: Findings of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) on the Use of a Toxic Chemical in an Attack in Salisbury, the United Kingdom on 4 March 2018

14 Apr 2018

14 Apr 2018          

          Singapore notes the report of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) on the attack in Salisbury, the United Kingdom on 4 March 2018 confirming that a high purity toxic chemical was used.

          Singapore strongly condemns the use of chemical weapons as this constitutes a serious violation of international law. Singapore takes its international obligations as a State Party to the Chemical Weapons Convention very seriously, and hopes that the perpetrators will be brought to justice swiftly. We wish the victims of the attack in Salisbury a swift recovery.  

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14 APRIL 2018

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